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Post by Emii »

Anyone else had this charming message from the new member, Lord-fear?
Lol what a dweeb, perhaps you should start getting some other hobbies, perhaps even going outside once in a while?

I admit i love Knightmare as much as the next fan, however to base ones whole free time on it is very shortsighted and shows you are eternally 'trapped' in your childhood.

BTW i dont expect a reply (perhaps a retort from ilusion) as i doubt you realise the weight of what i have said.

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Post by Moonlight »

Well, at least you don't spend your free time judging other people and sending messages like that!

Besides which, being trapped in your childhood sounds kinda good to me. There was so much less to worry about back then!
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Post by Skarkill »

How true Moonlight.

I don't understand people like that.

Do they dillibretly set out to annoy people on these type of sites or what?
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Post by Moonlight »

They must do. Shame they miss they irony of it all... They to are logging in/ posting etc.

Ooh, IRONy. Lovely!
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Post by LordF »

Another Lord Fear?

I can't take this any more.

I'm adding something in the middle of my name now to tell me from everyone else.
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Post by HStorm »

Hmm, not bright.

L-F, though Emii and I have very little time for each other these days, I can promise you she doesn't "base her whole free time" on the series, and even if she did it'd be no concern of yours. Whatever else, in her way she's one of the brightest, most talented and most formidable people you could ever hope to meet.

So I suggest you put a sock in it. You're new around here, and I can promise you that if you pick a fight you'll be the one to come off worse.
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Post by Emii »

Lol so I was the only one, huh? I get the feeling other people might have recieved it, either way, just from the way it was phrased. I sent a polite reply asking if there was a reason for the IM, and if they had sent it to anyone else. I don't expect a response.

Nagash - don't worry about putting something in your name. I don't think this Lord-fear will be back.

Everyone - thanks for the support etc. I normally don't let stuff like that bother me, but its a little harsh if he's sending them out in mass and slating everyone.
"The alarm, Master! The opposition's tracked them! Oh good grief...look - Lord Fear's frozen Christopher!"
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Post by LordF »

I'll go back to being the REAL Lord Fear, and no one will ever take that away from me ever ever again.

As the Dreadnaught said:

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Post by zzt »

Lord-fear, if you say things to Emii, why haven't you said anything to me? I'm all the way across the pond in the US of A... I've only seen clips of K'mare, and those are enough to make me obsessed with the show... :P
That zzt is an american!
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Post by HStorm »

Don't be so bloody disingenuous, L-F. You sent an abusive IM to her, unprovoked. And nobody asked you to enlighten them on the opinions of the man in the street - opinions that, furthermore, you never actually mentioned in the IM, and I doubt you've ever taken a consensus on anyway.

As for it being inevitable that the other forum users would defend her, consider this. Even I choose to defend Emii and she and I are not friends. I have no personal stake in it whatsoever, I just know when someone's behaving like a typical narrow-minded net spod.
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Post by Emii »

Well said.

I jumped on my high horse at the fat thread because people seem to get quite upset when people have their appearance made fun of. Would you like it? I think not. And don't say you wouldn't care - that is the response of someone who can't stand being wrong.

You say that I spend all my time doing fanfictions, forums, fanart, etc. I don't do them all at once and continuously. I do them as anyone else would - I did some fanfiction, then stopped and moved onto fanart, then stopped and moved onto a forum. You may be surprised, but a lot of other people on this forum do that too, since its a fansite.
"The alarm, Master! The opposition's tracked them! Oh good grief...look - Lord Fear's frozen Christopher!"
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Post by HStorm »

One last thing, L-F...
Lord-fear wrote: Emily, i thought i would give you more credit than to 'run' to the forumees..
I'd give Emii far more credit for doing that than you for sending the original IM in the first place. I think someone who expresses themselves and their fan-passions creatively tend to make a more valid employment of their time than people who do nothing but slag off others for devoting their time to it.

In short, if you'd be so kind... get knotted.
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Post by Illusion »

The user who send the original Instant Message has been warned about this. I've also asked him to change his username to avoid confusion with the other 'Lord Fear'. I intend to remove this thread shortly.
You're on the edge of a ledge...
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Post by HStorm »

A slow learner, it seems, and not a very impressive one either. I just received the following wildly-imaginative little offering from Lord-Fear, now going by the name of Melly...
o yeah and gaystorm? Expect some SPAM
What part of "get knotted" are you finding so difficult to grasp? We don't want spammers, we don't want homophobes and we don't want elitist net spods on this forum. It goes without saying that Illusion's already been informed that it only took you a few hours to transgress again.

I doubt you'll still have access to this forum by this time tomorrow. Was it worth it just to demonstrate what a nobody you are?
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Post by zzt »

Good lord. How rude...

I don't think HStorm is gay anyway, considering how much he likes Majida... ::)
That zzt is an american!

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