What happens next...?

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What happens next...?

Post by TomDread »

If you've read my old thread "Just an Idea", me and #37 Herbie have thought of stories about the 1-5 title sequence. More would be good :) If you've still got an old tape/DVD watch it now and see the 1-5 titles to give you inspiration. That's what i did for a continuation. But what do you think happens after the Knight goes through the portcullis? (Some imagination needed)
Last edited by TomDread on 20 Oct 2006, 17:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

Ok, I'm currently writing a whole adventure for this adventurer, rather then just the quick death. Setting the scene the same as previosuly the adventurer is on a quest for Knighthood, as he has previously attained Squiredom from Treguard's dungeon. Anyway, the quest will be over numerous posts, I will have in a word document and posted up in full somewhere on the internet eventually. Anyway, here is your first isntallment, which begins just after the starting titles finish:

The adventurer enters the castle and the portcullis closes behind him. A cackle is heard and then a large face appears. It is Mogdred

Mogdred: Ah an adventurer. Look upon Mogdred adventurer, look upon Mogdred and quail. You have survived the passageway into my castle but you shall never leave my castle alive. Mwwwhahahahahaaaahahahaaha!

Mogdred’s face disappears and the adventurer enters a dungeon with four doors. Above each door is a different symbol. The first has a picture of a Frightknight, the second has a picture of a Red Dragon, the third has a picture of a Staff and the fourth has a picture of an elf. The adventurer wonders what each picture is a symbol for. The adventurer wished for some aid in deciphering the images but then another face appears. This time it is a much more familiar face, it is Treguard.

Treguard: Well done adventurer. You have survived the entrance to the castle and have gotten to the room of choice. This is not my Dungeon adventurer so you would do well to heed any warnings from people there as my knowledge is somewhat restrictive. Here you must decide upon the adventure that you will undertake. You may choose to fight and defeat a Frightknight, fight and defeat a Red Dragon, retrieve the Staff of Power or Free the Elf captive. All quests are just a noble but choose your destiny.

With that Treguard’s face disappears and the adventurer is all alone with the choice to make. The adventurer decides that fighting a Frightknight or Red Dragon may prove to be difficult so turns to the other two. He remembers the face of a trapped person behind bars on his way up and the adventurer decides that he cannot leave the trapped person behind bars. He chooses to rescue the elf and faces the doorway. After a deep breath he walks boldly forwards.

The adventurer enters a red room with a large wall in front of him; exits are to the right and left. He looks upon the table and sees a loaf of bread, a key, a bar of gold and a lamp. The adventurer is feeling very hungry and decides to devour the bread while he contemplates which objects to take. As he finishes his bread a face appears in the wall before him.

Igneous: I am Igneous of Legend. Face me or perish. Feed me or leave in ignorance. Three riddles I have and truth I seek. One truth and you may pass, two will earn you information, and three commands me. Fail all three and I feed on you. Here is my first; the oracle was approached by a man and he asked who the smartest person in the land was. The oracle proclaimed this man to be it. Taught people he did but face trail he did as well. Rather then exile he drank hemlock and ended his life. Who is this man that I speak of?

The adventurer ponders for a moment and then realises the answer.

Adventurer: Socrates

Igneous: Truth accepted. Here is my second; the greatest warrior of all time travelled overseas to a distant land. There he killed a prince in battle, but he was defeated by arrow to the ankle. Who is this warrior that I seek?

The adventurer knew this one straight away.

Adventurer: Achilles

Igneous: Truth accepted. Here is my third; it tolerates the moon and stars and cannot abide the sun. Banish it with torchlight and you’ll see it turn and run. What is this I speak of?

The adventurer ponders on this question but does not know the answer. Straining for thought he gets interrupted by Igneous.


The adventurer draws a blank so just says the first thing to come into his head.

Adventurer: Nothingness

Igneous: Falsehood. Darkness was the truth I sought. Two is the score, you may learn more. The key to your success is not on the table. The password is Battleaxe. Rock I was and rock I now become.

Igneous begins to fade into the wall and the adventurer turns to the table and looks at the objects once more. The adventurer heeds Igneous’ advice and leaves the key and so takes the gold and the lamp. The adventurer faces the right exit and walks forward.
Last edited by Anonymous on 24 Oct 2006, 10:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

The adventurer enters a room which appears to be an empty Tavern. It looks like it has been ransacked a few times recently. The tables are all broken and the chairs and stools are all destroyed save 2 stools around a small circular table. The barmaid is standing there very distraught. She turns and sees the adventurer and approaches him to begin a conversation.

Marta: ‘ello stranger. Sorry that the Tavern is in a bit of a mess but some Goblins came to the tavern. They managed to trash the place and scare away my customers. Anyway, what can Marta do for you?

Adventurer: I’m on a quest to free an elf from this castle; I am wondering whether you had any information that can help me find him?

Marta: An elf hey? I’m guessing that only Mogdred would be capable of capturing one of them and he resides in the lower levels. To get there you need to find a well and there is a well further ahead. You’ll need to get passed a guardian and a causeway to get to the well though mind you. I overheard that the causeway had a combination to completing the causeway. I think it was red-blue-yellow and it would keep looping like that. Not sure whether the traveller attempted the causeway mind you and have never seen him since but that’s all I’ve heard about it. Is there anything else Marta can do for you?

Adventurer: Is there anything else you can tell me about the path ahead?

Marta: Hmmm, nothing springs to mind…

While Marta was mid-sentenced the sound of a goblin horn could be heard.

Marta: You best be off quick adventurer as the goblins will be here soon, no doubt to ransack my tavern again. I’ll never get this fixed up if they keep breaking up my tavern.

Adventurer: Fear not my lady for I shall defend you

With that comment the goblins entered the tavern and the adventurer drew his sword. The two goblins attempted to surround him but the adventurer held and managed to traverse into a position where they were unable to flank him. The adventurer took a swing at the goblin on the right and managed to make a cut in his lower left leg. The goblin continued forwards with blood spurting out of his thigh. The adventurer knew he would be best to finish him off first. The right goblin went to stab the adventurer but he managed to parry the goblins attempt and then quickly slice the goblin in the torso. The wound was deep enough to finish off the goblin. The goblin that was left was a little shocked and decided to charge into the adventurer. Again, the adventurer managed to parry the goblins stab and side stepped the charge, giving him an easy swing to the goblins head. He managed to decapitate the goblin and the head flew off into the corner of the room while the body continued to run forwards a few steps before collapsing onto the floor next to his fellow goblin. Marta came out from behind a broken table to see the adventurer victorious and ran over to him.

Marta: Thank you brave adventurer. May I offer you some food and drink before you leave?

Adventurer: I have just eaten but I could use a drink thank you

Marta: No problem my lord, I shall have some wine ready for you in a moment.

Marta rummages through a cupboard that is still in tacked and brings out a bottle of red wine.

Marta: Here you are my lord.

Marta begins to pour a full glass of red wine for the adventurer

Adventurer: I think you should have one for yourself as well.

Marta: That is a good idea. I shall do that

Marta pours herself a red wine.

Adventurer: So, was there anything else you knew of besides the causeway and guardian to the well.

Marta: Well my lord, I cannot remember much but I believe that there is a clever man that is just beyond my tavern. If you need an answer he should know it. He has some knowledge of level 2 as well my lord so may be worth asking him a few questions before you continue on your journey. Is there anything else I can aid you with?

Adventurer: You have done enough Marta thank you. Perhaps this will aid you in getting your tavern back up and running.

The adventurer hands over the bar of gold to Marta.

Marta: Why thank you my lord, thank you so much. I will tell you what I will do for you my lord; I will take you into the village and show you where the clever man is.

Adventurer: Thank you Marta

Marta: Not a problem my lord. Now hold on to arm and I shall lead you to our village.

Marta grabbed the adventurers arm and led him towards the left door. They both proceeded through the door arm in arm.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Anonymous on 24 Oct 2006, 13:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by TomDread »

Thanks, that's great. Keep it up. Great story. The "freeing an elf" quest is a great idea! Good on you. ;D
Last edited by TomDread on 25 Oct 2006, 14:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

TomDread wrote: Thanks, that's great. Keep it up. Great story. The "freeing an elf" quest is a great idea! Good on you. ;D
Cheers for the feedback. Will have some more written probably tomorrow or Friday. Anyone else have any ideas though for what lay inside the castle?
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by TomDread »

Can't wait!
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

Ok, well here is the next installment for the Adventurer's Quest following on from the earlier installments. Will the adventurer escape level 1 or will he fall victim to one of Mogdred's early tricks? GAME ON!!!

Marta had guided the adventurer to the dungeon village of Stoneley. This was the only village in the whole of the castle for the deeper dungeons are quite inhabitable. Marta guided the adventurer towards Brother Strange who was leaning against a wall in the Dungeon.

Marta: ‘ere you are my lord. This is the man that is very clever. He has knowledge of this dungeon and should be able to help you in your quest. Good luck dear sir and thank you very much for the gold.

Adventurer: No my lady, thank you for everything you have done

Marta blushes before she makes her leave back to her tavern. The adventurer now turns to face Brother Strange and awaits him to speak.

Brother Strange: Good day to you young adventurer, I am Brother Strange. I see that you seek knowledge and knowledge I can provide. The question is would you be able to use such knowledge wisely? I suppose I should first ask whether you are on a quest as from your attire it would appear to be the case.

Adventurer: Yes I am

Brother Strange: Excellent. And may I ask, what is the purpose of your quest?

Adventurer: To rescue an elf being held captive in the lower levels.

Brother Strange: Rescuing an Elf. Of course, Mogdred requires knowledge of the surrounding area and so… Oh Dear, I think I know whom this elf may be. It is very good that you are on a quest to rescue this elf so I shall help you where I can.

Adventurer: Thank you Brother Strange

Brother Strange: That is quite alright. Firstly I need to test that you have knowledge and to do that I shall ask you to give me a proverb that I have not heard before. Once I have attained this proverb then I shall give you some important information. Do you have a proverb?

The adventurer stands there thinking to himself of a proverb that he could offer Brother Strange. Finally one dawned onto him:

Adventurer: Have you heard this one Brother Strange? A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?

Brother Strange: Indeed I have, this is one of the first that I have learned. Please do try again though.

The adventurer starts to struggle in thinking of a proverb. He tries a different one:

Adventurer: All the glitters is not gold

Brother Strange: All that glitters is not gold. Hmmm, never heard of that one. Quite a good one as well as far as a proverb goes. I shall have to remember that one. As for you adventurer I shall offer you what advice I can. I understand that you are aware that there is a causeway you must cross and a well you must descend that is guarded by a guardian who will require a password to progress.

Adventurer: Yes Brother Strange I am aware of this.

Brother Strange: Quite. Well what you are probably not aware of is that there is a man called Cedric awaiting any challenger that descends. He has lots of knowledge and will provide difficult questions. You may of course challenge him to combat or insults if you would rather but these are by no means simple either. The choice will be yours.

Adventurer: Thanks for the advice

Brother Strange: Thank you. If you manage to beat Cedric well enough in your chosen discipline he will give you the second step. Now this is only useful if you know the first step which I am able to give to you adventurer. The first step is the hop.

Adventurer: Thank you Brother Strange

Brother Strange: No, thank you adventurer for providing me with a new proverb and for attempting such a noble quest. Look after that lamp for you will need it sooner then you think. Farewell traveller.

Before the adventurer was able to give a reply to Brother Strange he had disappeared completely. The adventurer could only see the corridor ahead of him and there were no turning offs either side. The adventurer carried on trekking down the tunnel. The adventurer had walked for a long while and then came to a fork in the corridor. He had a choice to move left or right. He looked around the walls for a clue but could not see one that would aid him in his choice. As he was about to make his choice he could see an ogre approaching down the left hand entrance. The adventurer thought it would be best to avoid a confrontation with the ogre at the moment and chose the right path. He scampered along the corridor and could hear the ogre following him. He finally saw a portal ahead of him and walked through the portal.
Last edited by Anonymous on 26 Oct 2006, 14:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

The adventurer entered a dark room. He could not see anything and was unsure what to do. Then a voice could be heard in his head.

Treguard: Remember the advice that brother Strange had given you adventurer

The adventurer thought back and remembered that the lamp would be needed sooner than he thought. Of course, he had not thought of it and it was needed now. The adventurer held up the magic lamp and the room became brighter and he could see what was ahead of him, it was causeway. The only block in front of him was a yellow block so he stepped on this block. He now had a choice of Red or Blue. He thought back to what Marta had said and she mentioned that the combination was Red-Blue-Yellow and kept looping. Therefore the next in sequence was Red. He stepped onto the red square and he saw the yellow square now behind him and the blue square next to him disappear. The adventurer breathed a sigh of relief and then had the choice of blue or yellow. He stepped on the blue and saw the red behind him and the yellow next to him disappear. He now had the choice of yellow or red. As now on the blue he chose the yellow step and saw the blue he was on and the red next to him disappear. The final choice threw him completely though, green or purple. “Which step to choose?” the adventurer thought. He then thought about how the colours were made and thought purple is red and blue and green is blue and yellow. He had just stepped on the yellow and blue so thought that green would be the correct step. Then he thought that the next two steps are red and blue and they mix to make purple. The adventurer kept thinking which would be the most logical path, combining the next two steps or the result of the previous two steps. He took a deep breath and stepped onto the purple step. The yellow behind him disappeared and then neither the green nor the purple disappeared. Perhaps both were correct after all he thought as he stepped forwards and went through the portal.

He finally arrived at the well room for level 1 but there was an armoured knight standing by the well. He came over and began to speak to the adventurer.

Knight: Password?

The adventurer tried to think back and suddenly remembered that Igneous had given him a password and now seemed as good a time as any to use it!

Adventurer: Battleaxe

Knight: Password Accepted. Please continue towards level 2

The adventurer could hardly believe that he had gotten through this task so easily and began to approach the well way. The adventurer still had the lamp in hand and did ponder whether to keep the lamp or to leave it before descending the well. He thought that the lamp may come in handy so kept hold of it and starting trying to get into the well. Then a voice could be heard.

Treguard: Please leave all level 1 objects before descending the well for they will not have any use for you below.

The adventurer accepted that the lamp would need to be left and so he placed it on the floor and climbed into the well. He took one deep breath before he let go of the ledge and fell down the well.

To Be Continued.....
Last edited by Anonymous on 26 Oct 2006, 14:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by Ironlord »

Ever thought this might have been perfect for the Eye Shield?
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

Ironlord wrote: Ever thought this might have been perfect for the Eye Shield?
What the Quest that the adventurer is on from the title sequence? He is not blinded by justice anymore so that is why I did not personally include it. However, if you wanted to include a story encorporating the eye shield it would be most interesting to read :) Not syaing that it is not a bad idea but the angle I have taken the story is that he has the shield in the title with the helmet of justice on and that it is a symbol to the lessons learned on his quest for squiredom, which Knightmare was originally rewarding, and that even though he is no longer blinded by justice he kepts a symbol of it to remind him of the lessons he has learned in Knightmare before. I will have to make sure that he uses this in his quest at some point for my story........
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by Mashibinbin »

I may have got it wrong here but I think Ironlord is referring to the Knightmare fanzine The Eye Shield and that this adventure would be well suited to it. It has been under the helm(et of of Justice) of Jake Collins for over five years and you can find a link to it on Knightmare.com under the 'Eye Shield' sidebar. Alternatively if you don't want to read almost 40 issues in one fell swoop you can submit your ideas for inclusion to jake directly at
hope that helped!
Last edited by Anonymous on 26 Oct 2006, 17:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

Mashibinbin wrote: I may have got it wrong here but I think Ironlord is referring to the Knightmare fanzine The Eye Shield and that this adventure would be well suited to it. It has been under the helm(et of of Justice) of Jake Collins for over five years and you can find a link to it on Knightmare.com under the 'Eye Shield' sidebar. Alternatively if you don't want to read almost 40 issues in one fell swoop you can submit your ideas for inclusion to jake directly at
hope that helped!
Hmmm, looks like I may have gotten the wrong end of the stick there.....

I suppose it's not a bad idea to put forward :) I'll e-mail him and see whether they want to include the story or not. Otherwise I shall continue the posts here. The main point of this thread though is for everyone to try and write their own story/ideas as to what happens to the Adventurer after the Portcullis falls, I'm just writing a very detailed quest but anyone can contribute any ideas of what they believe to be the fate of the adventurer....
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by TomDread »

It'd be great if this story would be accepted- I think it's been a while since there's been a fan fiction story. Can't wait what happens to the Adventurer in Level 2!

Will he win or be killed by Mogdred!
Last edited by TomDread on 28 Oct 2006, 10:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:What happens next...?

Post by 37Herbie »

Got an e-mail back from Jake and he wants me to write the full script for him. May have to write a prelude to explain his journey from Knightmare Castle to the Castle in the sequence where the Adventurer enters in the title sequence. May have to leave you in suspense now until he appears in TES now........

To be continued.....

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Re:What happens next...?

Post by Mashibinbin »

Hurrah a happy ending...or do I mean beginning? ;D
We'll miss your contributions here but I'm sure they'll add to the reasons to which we enjoy The Eye Shield so much. If anyone else has any submission ideas for it be they puzzles, pictures, stories etc don't hesitate to send them along to Jake (eyeshield2002@hotmail.com) he's always very grateful for them as I found out personally when I did the 3 part series on looking at humour in Knightmare for it (back in Issues 17,18 and 20).
Carpe Diem - sieze the moment.
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