Flesh & Stone

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Flesh & Stone

Post by HStorm »

Dr Who, throughout its very long, and occasionally glorious, history has suffered from a sad illness. It's a pervasive illness, quite virulent and a really difficult one to kick. The series appeared to contract this sad plague in the late 1960's, and it has been debilitated by it for much of its subsequent existence, continuing to the present day. And one has to consider that, should the disease never be cured, it might be best to end the programme's life soon, to spare it the ongoing agony.

This disease is sometimes called, 'Part 3 Syndrome'. It's the phenomenon of a story that lasts around one hundred minutes, but which in practise only really has enough plot to fill out around seventy-five minutes. To this end, the mid-to-late stages of the story, which back in the old days of twenty-five minute episodes would more or less constitute episode three of a four-parter, would usually be reduced to a runaround of almost zero plot-progression, and much treading-of-water.

Nowadays we're in the second era of fifty-minute episodes (the first one being the first Colin Baker season), and when a story lasts around one hour and forty minutes, the Part 3 Syndrome will usually infest the first half of part two. And for certain, the new era of the series has seen a number of two-parters that have had a very promising first half, but then hit the rocks with a crash of timbers afterwards.

Take as examples; -

1. The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit - an excellent study in part one of the nature of slavery, asking whether it becomes acceptable when the slaves are happy to be manipulated, a theme then totally and inexplicably abandoned in favour of a lazy 'kill-all-the-kooky-aliens' resolution in part two;

2. Human Nature and The Family Of Blood - fascinating speculations on how the mind of a Time-Lord might function in the body of a human being, followed in the second part by about twenty minutes of the central characters running around and shrieking a lot, and an unforgivable technobabble resolution right out of the fag-end of the Jon Pertwee era;

3. Daleks In Manhattan and Evolution Of The Daleks - Interesting, darkly atmospheric first half to set up what proved to be one of the silliest and most contrived second halves of a story in the history of Dr Who.

All of this clinical pre-amble finally brings me round to Flesh And Stone, which it pains me to say, is Steven Moffat's first dud with the pen since taking over the reins of production. Sorry to use a stale modern Americanism, but after the superb The Time Of Angels, this one really does suck big hairy ones.

It is slightly different from the usual Part 3 Syndrome though, because in fact, the early stages of the episode are fairly good. Not up to the standard of The Time Of Angels, but it keeps things moving with a similar level of tension and terror. The artificial-gravity resolution to the cliffhanger from the previous week seems a little contrived, and the Doctor's decision to shoot out the lights seems completely unnecessary to pull it off anyway, but it's nothing to feel cheated over.

But then, as we're nearing the seventy-minute mark of the whole story, the ideas start running low and the plot starts to tread water. Part of the problem is that the re-appearance of the Crack In Time almost leads Moffat himself to lose interest in the immediate plot (an attitude embodied by the Doctor's own words at that point) in order to start information-dumping about why the Crack keeps popping up everywhere.

There's a lengthy spell when Amy just sits in the woods with her eyes closed, while the Doctor and River stand around in the ship's control room exchanging acid remarks. Apart from the disappearances of the soldiers - which have little to do with the plot of this story and only really involve the series arc - not a lot is really happening. The death of Bishop Octavian is quite a strong moment, well-performed by both Iain Glen and Matt Smith, and the scenario that Amy is stuck in - having to stave off creatures that can only be defeated by eyesight, at precisely the time when she is forced to keep her eyes closed - should be really fascinating. Instead, the intrigue of it is completely wasted by, firstly, the announcement that the Angels are suddenly only interested in the temporal energy escaping from the Crack In Time, and secondly, by the 'irreparable' teleport suddenly turning out not to be irreparable after all. (And I know we can probably think up some reasonable explanations if we want to play the game, but why is there a teleport on the flight deck anyway?)

Then of course comes the resolution, and I'm sorry, but this is a re-set button moment right up there for classic hideousness alongside Last Of The Time-Lords and Journey's End. Okay, the artificial gravity running out of power I can buy, more or less, but all the Angels just happen to fall into the Time Crack, wiping them out, and also wiping out the Time Crack? There 'just happens' to be exactly the right number of Angels to fill up the Crack, without any of them being left over, but also without leaving any trace of the Crack? The two problems simply offset each other precisely, and the Doctor has saved the day without really doing anything. (This is to say nothing of why exactly the Crack sealed itself at all. Since when did pushing something through a crack cause it to seal up? Because Steven Moffat says it does? We really are drifting onto the most dismally-familiar territory here aren't we...?)

NO! NO, STEVEN MOFFAT, A THOUSAND TIMES, NO! That is a resolution of such laziness and much-too-tidy-and-convenient contrivance that even Russell T. Davies might have hesitated to use it. Even Barry Letts would have screamed at his writers to try harder than that.

Adding to this sense of treading water is the fact that, at this point, over five minutes are still left in a story that has clearly run out of legs. So we switch over to a comic-relief scene that is toally irrelevant to the plot.

Here, the series finds a bullet lodged in its own foot, by the decision to sex-up the relationship between Amy and the Doctor after all. What was I saying only last week about sexual tensions in the TARDIS getting in the way too much over the last five years? And what happens? Amy decides on the night before she marries another man that she's so desperate for a session between the sheets that she drags the Doctor into her bedroom and comes within about five millimetres of raping him!

I could be kind of course; maybe Moffat was just trying to tease us with a gentle reminder of how god-awful the mushy sentimentalism and crude, mis-timed humour of the RTD era was, and so perhaps normal service will resume next week. But that whole scene absolutely reeks of Doctor-&-Rose hangover, and could have been lifted from anything from a 1970's bedroom-farce to a Confessions Of... movie. OUCH!

On the plus side, the episode continued to look very good, and Murray Gold's music was again commendably more restrained than usual. Performances were still good too, bar David Atkins as Angel-Bob, who really did sound like he was doing exactly what he clearly was doing; reading out loud. And that chuckle from River just before teleporting back to the prison ship was painfully forced.

Uuugghhh... ropey stuff, all-in-all, and the worst episode of the new season so far by a distance, and indeed Moffat's worst episode of all to this point. To the squeeeeee-ers who get angry when anyone dares to suggest that any episode of NuWho is not the square root of perfection, I can only apologise, but I can give it a mere 3/10. Sorry. The two-parter as a whole gets 6.
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by DarkComet »

Good old Doctor, instinctively turning down fesity scottish ginger pussy.

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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by Kieran »

The end of this story surprised me, quite a bit. It was certainly out of the blue, and shows a bit of a flaw i Amy's character (deliberately so).

As a two parter, I thought they kept up the pace and the tension well, and part 2 lived up to expectations. A really well told tale, memorable moments and even a bit of a shocker ending. 9/10

So, Amy needs sorting out. Any takers?
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by Pooka »

Uhm... what?

No, seriously. What?

This plot made no sense! The crack appearing in the middle of nowhere, okay, but there was no explanation as to exactly what happened to the soldiers, as they were only going to look, not to touch. They shouldn't have ceased to exist had they not touched the crack... plus, if so why did Amy remember them? She can't even remember one single Dalek, so why these random soldiers?

Also, what happened to the Weeping Angels? They're not scary any more; they're just plain evil - but evil that can be stopped very easily by making them think you can see. They don't move because you're blind; they move because you can't see them. Or did we just forget that part? One of them could have easily grabbed Amy while she was stumbling around like a particularly dim Dungeoneer. Even if they were moderately concerned about the crack. They weren't running from it particularly quickly, were they?

River Song's addition was pointless. Yes, she saved Amy by pulling a deus ex machina. But she really didn't add anything to the plot whatsoever. Her role was just to be mysterious, annoying, bitchy and then to tell the Doctor that she was going to kill him. That's pretty obvious. Come back when you have more to do, River.

Oh, and the end scene. Well, I was pleased to see Amy's bedroom again. I was less pleased to see her attempting to hit the sack with the Doctor, who is about 880 years older than her. If they were going to do this, they may as well have had a soft porn episode of DW and got on with it. My only hope is that, as the Doctor suggested, Amy's going mad, rather than actually desiring sex with the Doctor. Unlike Rose, Martha, Jack and about 427346917 fans, Amy's never shown any signs of attraction towards him at all. That's one of the reasons I liked Donna - and Wilf... no attraction there, none at all!

So my fingers are crossed fervently for Amy acting totally erratically, for some reason or another that our Doctor has hinted at, but not explained (because the 11th Doctor doesn't explain things, if you've noticed?). She's gone through a terrible ordeal in this episode, but it's nothing a hot bath wouldn't have cured. Why the need for Doctorsex?

So. Confusing, impossible plot, characters that play no part, people being really stupid for no reason, threatening villains being casually cast aside and a sudden reversal of Amy's previously glorious character.


Lame, lame, lame.

Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by Kieran »

I imagine there will be plenty more to be explained about Amy's character, and the crack, as the series goes on.

I am not really sure where a deus ex machina was used (those words are way overused when it comes to reviewing Who, or indeed most sci-fi based series), but again I think a lot more of River Song's character will be explored in later stories. We now have the whole 'River did bad' plot, and the explanation as to what she actually did will no doubt come up later. As long as it wasn't the Doctor she 'killed'...Hmm.

I think it's a case of wait and see.
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by HStorm »

I agree with most of what you say, Pooka, except the bit about never showing any sign of attraction to the Doctor; remember that bit when he was picking his new clothes in the first episode, and Amy's boyfriend asks her, "Aren't you going to turn your back?" and she says, "No!" with a lusty look in her eyes.

The deus ex machina bit was when River fixed the (conveniently-located) teleporter that was supposed to be irreparable.
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by BBrooks »

Overall, I thought the episode was very good, particularly the opening 10 minutes where the Doctor was forced to turn out the lights and the remaining soldiers had to shoot in the Angels direction to see where they were, and everytime they did it they got closer and closer. As I said about the previous episode, it scary moments like that, that make you wonder how they can get away with it. But I do agree with Pooka on how the Weeping Angels aren't as scary as they were in "Blink", the obvious reason for this, being that we've seen them before and know what there capable of. Steven Moffatt needs to be careful with them in the future, lets just hope he doesn't introduce them in to every season. Just like RTD over-exposed the Daleks.

The final scene in Amy's bedroom was great, and The Doctor was a right idiot for turning a fantastic offer like that. :D You would have thought that after 900 or so years, that he would be gagging for it. It was funny and very well acted and I'm glad it wasn't a romantic, soppy scene like what we've been used to over the past 5 years.
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by DarkComet »

I actually saw that scene as a bit of a Take That to RTD's schtick of making every companion an ongoing saga of "ZOMG DOCTOR BANG ME". In the space of 30 seconds we have an advance, an unambiguous refutation, and (based on what I've heard about the next ep), an attempt by the Doc to shack her up once again with her fiancee. It's almost as if to say "Yeah, that pent up drama involving unrequited love and whatnot? Naa, we're not doing that. This show's about Captain Tweed in Space and Plucky Ginger McFeisty. NO SOAPY BOLLOCKS HERE."

You are now visualising Matt Smith's soapy bollocks. Ho ho ho, take THAT mental image to bed with you tonight.
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Re: Flesh & Stone

Post by HStorm »

Dark Comet wrote:I actually saw that scene as a bit of a Take That to RTD's schtick of making every companion an ongoing saga of "ZOMG DOCTOR BANG ME".
Like I said in the review I posted, that's possible and I hope it's true, but it still shouldn't have been in there. Just because a bit of bad TV is deliberate, self-conscious cr*p, that doesn't stop it being cr*p.
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