
Discussions of the classic british sci-fi show.
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Post by Pooka »

So... the Comic Relief special.

It was nothing, if you'll excuse the unintentional pun, special - but I really enjoyed this one. They were pushing the boundaries a bit with the double entendres, but I really laughed out loud at the humour - and the way the script worked. The dynamic between Amy and Rory works well, and the Doctor makes an excellent lead character, as well as acting as comic foil and third wheel. I hope we get to see more of this in the new series.

The plot was good as well, considering they didn't have a lot of time - they developed a whole story around one specific situation. Sure, there wasn't anything particularly significant, or anything that added to the continuity gold mine. But there didn't have to be. They were presented with a specific situation and dealt with it. Then they moved on. No problem.

All in all, not a bad little episode. Great stuff.
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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Re: Space and Time

Post by Drassil »

"69, dudes!"
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Re: Time

Post by HStorm »

Finally got to see this this morning. Just a slightly pointless rehash of the set-piece from early in Logopolis, with some crude jokes about looking up Amy's skirt thrown in to make it a bit more Comic Relief-relevant. Not a good move. These five-minute sketch episodes are always too fleeting to have a real plot, so they need charm to make them work. Crudeness doesn't lead to charm.

The story's probably too brief and inconsequential to fuss about, but the resolution is a mixture of utterly meaningless technobabble, and yet another 'The-Doctor-solves-the-problem-by-listening-to-his-future-self-explain-how-it-was-done' paradox, a routine that's been done to death since Time Crash.

Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we have a story in which the Doctor actually works out how to solve a problem, instead of him letting it solve itself?

Absolute rubbish, but thankfully far too brief to become grating. 4/10.
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