"What did the Romans call Colchester?"

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"What did the Romans call Colchester?"

Post by Drassil »

[Setting: the Dirty Duck pub quiz.]

Motley: And the answer is... Camulodunum. Which means that by one point, Ogres N' Egg'eads 'ave beaten Smelly Melly And The Staid Maids - and they win our jackpot!

[Applause. Grimwold high-fives Grimaldine.]

Motley: 'Ard luck, girls, but I still loves ya! Congrats to the baldies and thanks for playin', everybody!

Gretel: You cow. You swore it was Caledonia.

Mellisandre: He... he lied to me...

Milly: Aye, whatever. Talk to the hand.

Molly: That's your foot, Milly.

[Mellisandre stands up.]

Mellisandre: I tell you he LIED TO ME!!

[She smashes a stool. Silence.]

Mellisandre: Go forth, everyone. [Twitch.] Don't let me keep you. [Cold laugh.] And if you ever see a boy by the name of Dickon, or anyone dear to him, you tell them, you kindly tell them, that MELLISANDRE MAKEPEACE PERHAPPENSTANCE WILL HAVE HER BLOODY VENGEANCE!!!

[Grimwold burps.]

Motley: [To himself] Fink I'll see who I can pick up in the Greenwood.
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