Legal Knightmare DVDs

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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Drassil »

I'd like to imagine that the YouTube episode uploads have reduced Knightmare DVD piracy, but that may be wishful thinking. Tim Child must surely know about the episode uploads by now, which makes me wonder why he hasn't taken steps to have them removed. Is it out of tolerance (like in the early days of KM tape trading) or out of apathy? His apparent lack of interest in the DVD campaign is certainly disappointing, and I worry that somehow somewhere along the line, the fan community let him down so badly that he decided he no longer wanted to engage with us. The success of the T-Bag DVD campaign (as mentioned by Robin in an earlier post) owes a lot to the ongoing support of the show's creators, and it's a shame that Knightmare has not had this too.
blowerd wrote:Websites such as youtube, facebook, and twitter etc should be bombarded.
I personally feel that a lot more could be done on Twitter to rally KM fans. Search for Knightmare on Twitter any time and you'll find people tweeting about it. It's just a case of taking the time to reach out to them and keeping some momentum going with the underused knightmare_citv Twitter account, which ran out of steam last June.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Well, the postings of Knightmare on youtube are illegal, of course. So even if they aren't "pirate copies" they amount to the same thing.

Personally, I suspect that these are having a huge negative impact on trying to get the series on DVD. As for why they've been allowed to continue, I think it's a case of "the damage is done". Plus, if any possibility of a DVD release has been eliminated, then they're now doing more good than harm, since there's no other way to see the episodes.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by tiggy »

Long time no post from me.

Always puzzled me why the rights owners haven't ordered a take-down from YouTube (yet) but I'd like to think that assuming that they know about them, the decision not to do anything was one of pragmatism. After all:

* It is unlikely they'll ever get repeated on TV again.
* The rights owners never intended to release the episodes on DVD and therefore are not losing out on revenue from this.
* The user who uploaded them is not profiting from them.
* The videos are not of broadcastable quality.

In effect, they would appear to be the TV equivalent of abandonware (, but just to be absolutely clear, that in no way means that they are legal.

As for a potential download/DVD release, if the view counts are anything to go by then I don't think that the interest is there. There are spikes for the first and last parts of each series but with few exceptions, the views are in the low to mid thousands for each part of each episode. The problem I see there is that the people you want sell a download to will be the ones who make up the YouTube view count.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by camsoft »

I've just joined to show my support. I will by them.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by camsoft »

I've just registered and would by a DVD set in an instant.

Maybe you're going about this the wrong way around. Why not use a fund raising site like Kickstarter to raise funds? You only collect money if the project hits it's target. I know I would pledge right now.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Unfortunately, kickstarter is US only.
There's also a potential issue with us not knowing precisely how much it would cost us. We'd be in a slightly wonky position of having to promise things that we may not be able to afford to give out.

However, I'm not sure if that latter point is circumventable or not.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by cooky15 »

I would most certainly buy a DVD :)
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by EvelynMason »

I 've watched Knightmare on You Tube but never felt guilty about it. These episode references they put on are all in segments obviously and it can be a bit hard to keep track of everything sometimes. I would love to see a compilation of DVD's devoted to the series but don't think such a thing exists at least not with regard to the oficial series, they didn't even bring out any VHS editions in the 1980s/90s either when the show was on, I really hope they can do something soon. I can't watch any other way now other than Youtube and even then it's not advisable for pay as you go customers, and cable channels like Challenge no longer put it on their channels to watch anymore, I don't see much of the old series these days.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by jim-666 »


I was wondering if there was any news on this? I would still definitely buy them. I always check here every so often to see what is happening, so there is still interest here.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Fidjit »

I have a few mates who like Knightmare and go to a local RPG Shop in the main high street of where I come from. Do you reckon a home made poster in the windows will grab attention? Advertising made free I suppose :)
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Certainly can't hurt :)
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by danives »

Well with regards to kickstarter, there are UK alternatives such as

You can offer rewards of the DVDs - however I do not know the cost to get the original tapes and put them onto a DVD, however I imagine a goal of £100k to be pretty easy for a project like this to be honest!
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by EvelynMason »

Did they ever release Knightmare on Vhs format?, I don't believe I've ever seen such a thing, You would of imagined back at the time of shows going out, they would of put the series onto tapes to watch. I haven't seen any Knightmare DVD'S in shops or reliable retailers either I'm sure of it, meh, will have to keep an eye out a bit more. The only way it seems of watching old shows is on Youtube, and I'd rather do it another way to be truthful.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by HStorm »

No, it has never been legally released in any format.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Karinsky »

Not visited this site for years, i just been browsing around to see of there is any new news on this subject.. I WANT MY KNIGHTMARE DVDS!!!! :D

First of, i wont be willing to pay for downloads, so it's DVD or nothing.
Youtube isn't hurting anything, i makes me want theses even more. The quality is too poor to really enjoy anyway, and i don't have sky tv so not interested in tv re-runs.

And kickstarter is not just in the US. The Oliver Twins are currently trying to start up a new Dizzy game (remember him? another massive part of my boyhood)

I think it's time to push harder and somehow succeed.
Knightmare on dvd for us to enjoy as and when, in decent watchable quality is so important. I want to re-live those days just one more time.

Don't give up.

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