My Knightmare Dream

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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

My god I've had so many Knightmare dreams that there's no way I could list all of them.

Lets see...there was the one where I was watching Knightmare and Treguard could hear what I was saying through the TV...there's one where Treguard was hypnotised by Mogdred and then I had another similar one except this time it was Lord Fear...there's one when there were 'two' teams questing together...oh god there's so many of them! I think I'm a little too addicted to Knightmare.

Okay, here's a recent one. A special christmas series had began which was in the same format as series 8 except it looked like the dungeon was just one big room. There were lots of old characters back and Elita actually got a kill (never give an elf the wrong password if you don't want to get thumped on the head with a hammer)! There was a plotline that Lord Fear had finally managed to find a way to conquer the dungeons with Skarkill so Treguard and Majida ran away. Whilst hiding in a forest, Treguard confessed his love to Majida, the two of them kissed and ran off together to find a better life.

And that was it! It was quite a fun dream actually (like all my other dreams). :D
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

ARGH, I had a Knightmare dream that seemed incredibly real, and now I'm gutted it wasn't. I dreamt that a brand new one-off episode of Knightmare had been made available for download, with surprisingly little fanfare - I think it was advertised as being an Easter special or something, or perhaps it was supposed to be marking the 25th anniversary? Not entirely sure.

It opened with a scene in Treguard's antechamber, which had been somewhat redesigned again since last time, and featured Majida on a magical sliding chair thing whose purpose was never explained. Treguard & Majida were wearing the same costumes as they had in Series 8, but their angry bickering was more like a step backwards to Series 7, which I didn't like. A cast of dungeon residents - Treguard's servants - were also gathered in the antechamber, but the only one I definitely recognised was Folly. Treguard said something about Ellie, in a way that clearly implied Folly was in love with her, and at first I was picturing Gretel, but then I realised he'd said *Ellie* who was of course the elf-maid in KMVR. I wondered why Folly was back in the show and what exactly was going on between him and Ellie.

As the episode progressed, it seemed to be more like a proper drama than a gameshow with questing dungeoneer. The camera travelled along the corridors of Knightmare Castle, which was all done in quite sophisticated CGI but nonetheless retained that vital Knightmare feel, thanks to the presence of the original cast. I remember wondering if this is what Tim had been working on when he posted that "SOMETHING STIRS" message a few years ago - perhaps the TV comeback had been shelved but he'd decided to finish it anyway just as a thank-you to the fans. There was a whole load of narration which I can't recall, but it was packed with fascinating detail about the KM universe, and I was so excited to think of all the new fanfic which might result from it. The storyline involved a man being held prisoner in the "Deakin Tower" of Knightmare Castle (indeed, he was the narrator). He mentioned that a woman was there, seeming to imply that she was his captor and possibly a sorceress. Unfortunately, I paused it to scribble down some notes so that I could review the episode on the forum, and the dream ended before I found out any more. :(

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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

I know what you mean. I always get annoyed when my dreams turn out to be just dreams. ::)
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

Here's one!

I was questing through the dungeons though I could actually see. I found a room where Treguard was stuck in a net so I had to free him and then suddenly I found myself standing on a swing and the advisors were shouting at me as if I was on the Crystal Maze or something and they wee saying, "Keep your legs straight and get to the other side!" And then I woke up.

...I like dreams when we have to rescue Treguard. :)
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

In my nightmare last night, I was back at school and Lillith was this absolute cow of a teacher who really had it in for me. Pretty sure this was a direct result of school subjects and Mary Miller both being mentioned in Knightmare Chat. :p
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

And another one (two sort of) from me!

Well do you know when the Dunshelm Players made When Five Tribes go to War ? Well I dreamt that I was watching it being acted out instead of just listening to it. The only scene I actually remember seeing was Merlin confronting Lord Fear near the end. It's a shame, I would like to see it acted out.

This one isn't exactly KM related but it's close enough. I found myself in this house and I didn't know who's it was. My little sister (10) came into the room and said that we were in Hugo Myatt's house because we were just visiting and I was like 8-o !!! A car pulled up outside and I caught a glimpse of three people getting out of a car before I went back into the room I was before. Then a girl called Fay came in saying that she was Hugo's daughter (quite understandable that she was called Fay as Treguard has a niece with the same name). Then I met his wife who I can't really remember but she was nice. And then...the big moment...I got excited, I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt...and as he came into the room...
Big disappointment!
He didn't even look like Treguard or himself in any case for that matter. He actually looked a bit like Bill Oddie with barely any hair. And he was a right grump. To be honest, I'm glad that dream actually ended and that's saying something. Pfft, oh well. :-/
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

In my dream last night I was Crystal and I was innocently sitting in my living room watching T.V. and then Lord Fear suddenly came in and whipped me with a belt! So I obviously complained to him and he got even angrier so he pinned me down on my couch and started whipping me even more! It actually hurt in the dream and when he finished I had a massive bruise above my right hip. Ouch! 8-o
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

I had a random Knightmare dream last night, in which Lord Fear and Lissard were apparently going on a quest through the dungeon. Fear had a crown on his head, rather than the Helmet of Justice, and Lissard was his advisor, who for some reason was able to travel through the dungeon without a blindfold. I was amused by Fear asking "Where am I?" through clenched teeth as he found it quite degrading to talk like a dungeoneer.

The pair of them were also going to be accompanied by myself and two old schoolfriends - we were pretending to help them out, but really we were trying to stop them. In the first room, they'd been given a spell that would allow them to create a huge balloon (like an airship or something). Fear wanted to save the spell for the appropriate time and get going, but I suggested it would be a good idea to make the balloon now, and store it in the walls until we needed it - then if we had to make a quick getaway, we'd be "ready to rock 'n' roll".

His Lordship agreed, so we opened this big junk-filled cupboard in the wall, as we needed to find a small balloon that could be magically transformed. Luckily someone had left one in there (it was yellow, somewhat deformed and had various marker pen doodles on it, which were quite comical at the time, for reasons I can't recall). The five of us then climbed up a ladder to sit on a ledge above the cupboard - I guess so there was space on the floor to create the large balloon.

I secretly knew that the spell was in fact a trick, which would entrap Lord Fear and anyone who was touching him when he cast it. Sure enough, this bright blue glow went through him and Lissard and my two classmates, who were all sitting close together in a row, though it didn't quite reach me because there was a slight gap between us. At this point I'm not 100% sure what happened (it's become a bit muddled since I woke up), but I think my friends were able to escape - I remember observing that the magic seemed more powerful the closer you were to its source. The Opposition members were successfully imprisoned, and I was worried that Lord Fear would seek revenge on us if he managed to get out, but in the meantime I remarked that I couldn't wait to see Treguard's face when we told him what had happened!
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

HAHAHA!!! What a funny dream ;D

Since I'm a bit bored, I'll tell you two KM dreams I had in the past. The first one is my first ever dream that I had a few months after I finished watching all the series of KM on Challenge back when I was little. It was basically like any normal quest in that me and two other strangers were guiding this girl and the first room was leading up to a sort of small dome thingy (a bit like the Tellytubbies home except it was brown) and all these goblins were coming out of it. We told her "Take the cheese out of the knapsack." which she (oddly) did but for some reason she just held it in her hand and just looked at it whilst for some reason her helmet had appeared to have magically disappeared ???

The second one was that the eighth series had finished and me, Treguard and Pickle had gone to a holiday park and were staying in a caravan (I might have been playing Crystal in this dream but I can't quite remember). It was supposed to be winter but weather was brilliant and really hot so we all got deck-chairs and went outside to sit on them. Treguard was going on about how he didn't want to bother with the dungeon anymore and I was like "No! You can't just give up on it!"
The three of us then went to the Tower from 'Trapped' (a CBBC show) and the Voice was there telling us that we had to find a way to escape. I just jumped out of a window and left the other two trapped ;D
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by EvelynMason »

I don't believe I've ever had a Knightmare dream. One or two 'Nightmares', maybe, but not an actual dream about the show itself. I would quite like to have a dream though, getting into all kinds of strange scenarios and mayhem etc. But, no giant spiders, or crawling things, please. 8-o
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

I had a weird dream about Stiletta teaming up with Ripley from the Alien films. There was some other Knightmare stuff too, but I can't remember anything except Treguard laughing and Hordriss falling over (unrelated).
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

I dreamt I was a dungeoneer, though I must have been able to see my virtual surroundings. The most memorable challenge I faced was a super-evil version of the Corridor of Blades: instead of being straight it went round a series of bends, making it really difficult to tell which side the blades were coming along, and there were also holes in the floor and walls which the dungeoneer could fall through if they weren't guided carefully enough. It was terrifying!
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by pjmlfc05 »

I had a dream a while ago I was walking in the dwarf tunnels. Then ended up in a room and all of a sudden Lord Fear and Skarkill was in front of me. They both then grabbed my arms and I heard this scary music and it kept getting louder. I then woke up feeling freaked out!!
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Alex_Smith »

I've had loads of Knightmare related dreams over the years, but the most recent was a very quick one I had just a couple of weeks ago, after watching the GeekWeek episode. Just as I was falling asleep, I began to dream that I was browsing the website, and the front banner read "Knightmare Series IX announced." I took a sharp intake of breath and woke up. I leapt out of bed, turned my computer on, went straight to the website to find that, alas, it was just a dream..... for now .....
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by phillwin »

I had a knightmare dream where I had to free the testcard girl from that evil clown and I had to turn every tv off and dodge blades I got to the clown then I woken up but I have many of that sort
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