Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 13

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Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 13

Post by GranitasIsCute »

The thirteenth episode of the second series is now available to download and listen to at :)

It ia also available on our YouTube channel at

How will Stacey's encounter with Sylvester Hands pan out, and can the team make it to Level 3?

The Knightmare Audio Series features the thrilling gameplay from the show lovingly re-created in audio form. If you haven't heard it yet, give it a try and let us know what you think! :)

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Re: Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 13

Post by TheOldenDays »

We've had a lot of fun making the series over the past 6 years, but what do I really think of it? Find out now in Jake's Throwback Reviews!

Episode: Series 2, Episode 13
Original Release Date: 15th August 2015
Throwback Review Date: 19th April 2016
Score: 4 out of 5 (very good)

The Good: I used to shy away from dong scenes where a character is drunk as they almost always come across as extremely fake, but I actually like the Sylvester Hands scene quite a lot – it turned out as a decent take-off of the scene with Hands and Julie from the real show. The death scene in the Corridor of Blades is well conceived and successfully realised.

Kim's team sounds very engaging. Amy Davies is on her usual excellent form in the dungeoneer role, while Andy Marshall gives an amusing dose of smarm to Tom. Catie Clark always interprets a script brilliantly, while Cassandra Smith comes out with lots of great deliveries.

The concept of Motley becoming a fisherman thanks to Sidriss and Hordriss is a very nice spin on the situation with Ridolfo from the real show, and the team's reaction to this state of affairs is extremely well played.

The Bad: The notion that Nemanor is on the ship and Stacey is evading him by becoming invisible and visible by turns does not really come across successfully in audio. The skull ghost turning up to stop the team choosing another object before calling Stiletta seems rather arbitrary to me.

Snapper-Jack says the word “for” at least three times too many during his appearance – I find it rather distracting. Also, I always got the impression from the real show that he would never repeat a riddle. (He didn't really “repeat it one more time” either, as that would mean saying it three times in total, rather than two.)

Conclusion: It's one of those episodes that I find hard to score, because there are some parts I'd like to take a hatchet to and some parts that could sit quite happily in an episode with full marks, as well as almost everything in between. It's come out as “very good” overall, because most of it is.
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Re: Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 13

Post by TheOldenDays »

We've had a lot of fun making the series over the past 6 years, but what do I really think of it? Find out now in Jake's Throwback Reviews!

Episode: Series 2, Episode 13
Original Release Date: 15th August 2015
Throwback Review Date: 19th April 2016
Score: 4 out of 5 (very good)

The Good: I used to shy away from doing scenes where a character is drunk as they almost always come across as extremely fake, but I actually like the Sylvester Hands scene quite a lot – it turned out as a decent take-off of the scene with Hands and Julie from the real show. The death scene in the Corridor of Blades is well conceived and successfully realised.

Kim's team sounds very engaging. Amy Davies is on her usual excellent form in the dungeoneer role, while Andy Marshall gives an amusing dose of smarm to Tom. Catie Clark always interprets a script brilliantly, while Cassandra Smith comes out with lots of great deliveries.

The concept of Motley becoming a fisherman thanks to Sidriss and Hordriss is a very nice spin on the situation with Ridolfo from the real show, and the team's reaction to this state of affairs is extremely well played.

The Bad: The notion that Nemanor is on the ship and Stacey is evading him by becoming invisible and visible by turns does not really come across successfully in audio. The skull ghost turning up to stop the team choosing another object before calling Stiletta seems rather arbitrary to me.

Snapper-Jack says the word “for” at least three times too many during his appearance – I find it rather distracting. Also, I always got the impression from the real show that he would never repeat a riddle. (He didn't really “repeat it one more time” either, as that would mean saying it three times in total, rather than two.)

Conclusion: It's one of those episodes that I find hard to score, because there are some parts I'd like to take a hatchet to and some parts that could sit quite happily in an episode with full marks, as well as almost everything in between. It's come out as “very good” overall, because most of it is.
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