Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

A place to discuss Knightmare-VR, a planned revivial of Knightmare
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Velda »

This sounds good!  :D Thanks for keeping us informed Tim!  ;D
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by KaM »

Indeed. It's great to be kept aware of progress on all scores, BVA - many thanks!

There's a very good underlying air of optimism there as well. I've read today, circumstantially, that there are to be major shake ups where the lottery and it's spending goes - through all subdivisions. With something like this in the pipeline, I doubt anybody who knows of the original KM could have any doubts within them that grants towards the next era of this addictive and gripping type of gaming can only have the largest of positive externalities on the UK's flailing entertainment production.
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Emii »

Many thanks, Tim, and very well said, KaM!
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by MoanaLiza »

I've read today, circumstantially, that there are to be major shake ups where the lottery and it's spending goes
Yes I heard about this on the news too. It's going to be something similar to some of the programmes on television where the public vote for where they want the money to go or something similar to that.
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Malefact »

Just a snippet for the impatient ones.
We've applied for a Film council/lottery funded grant to help us build the new KM demonstrator. That's why we stopped work on the current development images for a month or so to await the result of that application.
I'm not currently allowed to say what that result is - but I think you can expect things to start happening again.  :-X
Impatient? Us? The very idea!  ;)

Well, it's great that things are still rolling. Thanks very much, bva!  ;D

I also noticed the Lottery shakeup news. If the public is going to be allowed to have a greater say in how the money is to be distributed, perhaps we should send Camelot the BBK petition. :)
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by NouCamp »

I also have slight doubts on this new version - reality is so much better.  I think they should do a similar thing to that A1 video - 'take on me' - using virtual reality to create grpahically adavcned dungeon rooms and obstacles whilst keeping the characters and dungeoneers as they used to be.  couple all that with the imcredible originality of KNightmare and you have a hit.
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Malefact »

I don't think a mixed reality show is feasible. They are very expensive due to all the equipment required. A full VR format is MUCH cheaper which makes it much more likely to find a commission.

I can understand how some of the realism might be eroded by having everything VR but, on the other hand, it would vastly increase the amount of interaction possible between the dungeoneer and their environment. The deaths, for example, would become a lot better (the way the dungeoneers fell to their doom, for example, was always too mechanical to appear real). A huge variety of new things could be done that wouldn't have been possible before. It will take Km into unexplored territory - which will ensure that the show remains fresh (a plain remake of earlier glories will undoubtably leave a bad taste in the mouths of reviewers and probably us too).
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by RoxxAatherton »

Well said Maly  ;)

Although i am prone to using the phrase 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' very regularly and my first impressions were that Knightmare VR would be a little, well pants I am now getting rather excited about the idea......

If it aint broke, don't fix it, but then just make it better anyway......

Hear that BVA, You have a convert!

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Hearing it like that...

Post by WhiteFloatingSkull »

I don't think I like the sound of such a grand show as Knightmare being reduced to nothing more than a 5-10 side-show in some bad saturday morning TV show...

But still, as much as I hated those old phone-in's, Knightmare will be enough to test even the bravest caller, and should even present us older viewers with a chance to call in, and show these young dungeoneers how the Pro's would do it.  ;D

Give it a chance, and all may be well.  ;)
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Pickle123 »

I really don't think that "left left left, right, right, UPPP!" was what is meant by "phone in"

i'd imagine it'd be a "phone in to determine what challenge they face after the break" or "the more people who phone in with the correct answer, the more help the dungeoneer gets"...etc ... gi?id=5838

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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Malefact »

Let's just hope the BBC gets Km - otherwise Treguard would have to deliver a decidedly un-Medieval "we'll be back after the break!"  ::)
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Oh, I don't know...

Post by WhiteFloatingSkull »

If 'Temporal distortion' was used to explain the end of show, then I'm SURE they can come up with some catchy 'break-related' phrase...

Maybe something about new magical energies interfering with our 'existance' in the KM realm, or some other spiel like that would do.  ;D
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Pickle123 »

or maybe they could make it one half hour uninterupted show 8)

isnt that what they did on CITV? or did it just fade out and fade back? i cant remember. ... gi?id=5838

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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Malefact »

No, it was always continuous on CITV. Those were the days before they sold out and got logos, extra breaks and crass sponsorship. :(

I therefore hope the BBC get Km because they're the only channel(s) that would be able to retain that quality.
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Re: Knightmare VR?  I don't like the concept!

Post by Pickle123 »

cool ... gi?id=5838

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