Knightmare Prizes to be won!

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Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

That's right. This is your opportunity to win a number of fantastic and unique Knightmare prizes, for free! Got your attention? Then read on.

In a somewhat pathetic attempt to reinvigorate Knightmare Chat and hopefully introduce some excitement and competition to the community, within the next couple of weeks we will start running a weekly DEAL OR NO DEAL game in Knightmare chat. All entrants will be placed on a leader board and after a year, the winner will receive a number of unique Knightmare prizes. Participation is entirely free.

What are the prizes?

We will send the winner:
  • The unique never-before-seen Eyeshield Trophy
  • A Knightmare DEAL OR NO DEAL T-shirt - with the finest ironic slogan devisable by the staff
  • A unique forum medal - make the world aware of your incredible skill at picking random numbers
  • A unique #knightmare chat greeting/status - ensure that nobody misunderstands that it was skill rather than luck
  • Bragging rights
Physical prizes will be shipped worldwide (for free).

Is there a second place prize?
No. Winner takes all.

How does the game work?
The game plays largely the same way as the UK gameshow.

Players are guaranteed one chance to swap their initial box (which is randomly chosen) with the remaining box at the end. There is also no "box 23".

How do I apply?
Applications must be made via Knightmare chat, but it will be possible to apply at any time.

Just say !dealornodeal in Knightmare chat. Skeletron, our friendly bot, should then confirm your registration.

How is the winner chosen?
The winner will be the person with the highest winning score at the end of the season. In the event of a tie, the winner of the tie will be the person with the highest total score on the leader board. If the tie is still not resolved then a tiebreaker question will be set.

How many games are played each week?
This depends on the length of each game. At least one, possibly as many as three.

Can I apply more than once?
Yes! But you can only be in the list of waiting players once at any time.

If I am selected, can I give my turn to someone else?
No. That would allow a circumvention of only being in the waiting list once.

Can someone else tell me what to do?
Yes. As per the TV show you can take advice from others, and we will encourage people to advise you.

What if, mid-game, I disconnect?
We'll give you some time to sort your/our connection out. If it becomes clear that you're not coming back, we'll have to terminate the game. Note that you won't be able to continue from where you left off at another time, nobody else will be able to continue on your behalf and no "current score" (however that might be calculated) will be recorded for you. You will not, however, be removed from the waiting list as a result.

How is a player selected?
From among the top 22 players (ahh, the optimism) in the waiting list who are online when a player is to be selected, a player will be randomly chosen.

When does this all start?
Hopefully within the next couple of weeks. Watch this space, really.

I am hopeful that Billy, our resident DEAL OR NO DEAL expert will come along in a special "week 0" to demonstrate how to play.

When will the games take place?
Sunday evening, 8pm in Knightmare chat unless indicated otherwise.

What happens in the event that, in the opinion of the admins, not enough people are playing?
Alan will sulk. Drassil will say something witty. Keith will probably try to cheer Alan up. Not sure what others might do. Either way, we'll stop the competition, apologise profusely to those that have already played, pull the prizes and use them for something else.

However, we hope that the prizes are sufficiently OMGAMAZING!!!112 that there'll be a fair amount of interest.

It has the advantage of being easy to understand and mostly random (with a small element of psychology and maths attributed to it). It's therefore entirely open and doesn't discriminate. It also seems to be a community favourite.

What does DEAL OR NO DEAL have to do with Knightmare?
Go away, hypothetical person.
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mashibinbin »

Just to clarify, is this a specially designed Eyeshield trophy for this or eventual other designatedprize or an engraving on the existing Eyeshield we know about?

Other than that I have my goatee ready for Sunday! ;)
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

Ooooh, I wouldn't dare defile the actual eyeshield we all know about :)
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Drassil »

Alan wrote:I am hopeful that Billy, our resident DEAL OR NO DEAL expert will come along in a special "week 0" to demonstrate how to play.
For those who don't know, Billy was on Deal Or No Deal once as a phone-in competition box opener(?). There was a clip on YouTube at one point.
Alan... again... wrote:What happens in the event that, in the opinion of the admins, not enough people are playing?
Alan will sulk. Drassil will say something witty. Keith will probably try to cheer Alan up.
For those who don't know, I said something entertaining like once and now there's all this pressure on me. I don't know how much comic mileage there is in Deal Or No Deal - it may turn out to be comic inchage - but I'll see what I can deliver if called upon. Just don't expect me to be as hilarious, sparkling and vital as the DOND Banker's Twitter official account is. I would say more but it's hard to type with tears of joyous laughter filling my eyes. 170400 followers can't be wrong.

Knightmare Chat has been going for over 15 years and holds fond memories for many of us. I hope that this initiative will add to those memories for anyone who joins in.
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

You can now register to play in our competition by saying:

In Knightmare chat.

Skeletron, the bot, should confirm your registration.
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mashibinbin »

Come and join one and all - it's not Fun House! ;)
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mashibinbin »


Played just for laughs last night was none other than Jennifer who has bragging rights on a £5 win. After research, she stated her intention to buy a whole pizza and scoff the lot herself. Also to buy a lottery ticket for some more joyous numberwang!
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

Here's the full log, minus the nice sexy colours.

[21:05] <Mystara> Today's scores won't be counted of course
[21:05] <Jennifer> Who's playing Noel Edmonds?
[21:05] <Mystara> OMG, it's Forester
[21:05] <Mystara> Me :)
[21:06] <Mashibinbin> hello mister!
[21:06] <Mystara> We'll whack a log up on the web, so best behaviour everyone :P
[21:07] <Mystara> Okay, let's go...
[21:07] <Mystara> Okay Jennifer, pick a case (1-22) to keep. This will not be opened until the end of the game
[21:07] <Jennifer> OK. 13
[21:08] <Mystara> The case you have picked is yours to keep. Your winning score is whatever is in that case. It could contain any value listed on the board. During each round, you must open a number of the remaining cases to determine, by process of elimination, which case you originally chose.
[21:08] <Mystara> Along the way, the banker will try to minimise his losses by offering to buy your case from you. If you make it all the way to the end then you will be given the chance to trade your case for the last remaining unopened case.
[21:08] <Mashibinbin> 13...lucky for some, let's hope it is for you
[21:08] <Mystara> All okay, Jennifer? :)
[21:08] <Jennifer> Is there a list of the possible values of the cases?
[21:08] <Mystara> Yep, let's bring that up now
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ £1,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £0.10 ] [ £3,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £0.50 ] [ £5,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £1 ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ £15,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £50 ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:08] <Skeletron> [ £100 ] [ £50,000 ]
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ £250 ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ £500 ] [ £100,000 ]
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ £250,000 ]
[21:09] <Mystara> And here are the cases:
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ] [ 21 ] [ 22 ]
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ 12 ] [ X ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ]
[21:09] <Skeletron> [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
[21:09] <Mystara> Box 13 is crossed out because that's the one that you've taken :)
[21:09] <Mashibinbin> this is much better watching on Mirc than it was on mibbit log watchers
[21:09] <Mystara> So, all ready?
[21:09] <Jennifer> Great. :)
[21:09] <Mystara> Mashi - it's been upgraded :)
[21:10] <Mystara> Cool
[21:10] <Mystara> Okay, let's roll then. Jennifer, where are we going first?
[21:10] <Jennifer> OK, let's open number 20
[21:10] <Mystara> Number 20
[21:10] <Skeletron> [ 20 ] --> | £5,000 |
[21:10] <Mystara> Okay, not too bad
[21:11] <Jennifer> Ooh. 5
[21:11] <Mystara> 5
[21:11] <Skeletron> [ 5 ] --> | £250,000 |
[21:11] <Jennifer> No! I fail.
[21:11] <Mystara> Ooooooooooh no
[21:11] <Mystara> Oh dear
[21:11] <Mystara> Two reds as well
[21:11] <Jennifer> Hmm, this isn't going to plan. 18
[21:11] <Mystara> haha
[21:11] <Mystara> 18
[21:11] <Skeletron> [ 18 ] --> | £250 |
[21:12] <Mystara> Okay, picking it up a bit
[21:12] <Jennifer> 4
[21:12] <Mashibinbin> argghh, you can still pull through
[21:12] <Skeletron> [ 4 ] --> | £0.50 |
[21:12] <Mystara> Wahey!
[21:12] <Mashibinbin> like that!
[21:12] <Jennifer> Better!
[21:12] <Mystara> Last one in the round, Jennifer
[21:12] <Jennifer> 21
[21:12] <Skeletron> [ 21 ] --> | £15,000 |
[21:13] <Mystara> heh
[21:13] <+Caei> :-)
[21:13] <Mystara> Not ideal
[21:13] <Mystara> But maybe that 50p cancels out the 250k
[21:13] <Jennifer> So now does the banker phone?
[21:13] <Mystara> Yes :)
[21:14] <Mystara> Once I pretend to chat with you for a while
[21:14] <Mystara> I'm supposed to ask you things about your strategy and so on
[21:14] <Jennifer> Ah, I see, not watched this programme for a while. :)
[21:14] <Jennifer> My strategy is I pick a number, and try to make it one I haven't already picked.
[21:14] <Mystara> Basically, this is the bit where we pretend that they're not random numbers :)
[21:15] <Mystara> Alright, let's hear from the banker then
[21:15] <Skeletron> The banker offers: £4,050
[21:15] <Mystara> So, Jennifer....
[21:15] <Mystara> Deal, or no deal?
[21:15] <Jennifer> That is higher than most of the numbers I've got left..
[21:16] <Jennifer> But we need to test this game properly.
[21:16] <Jennifer> No deal
[21:16] * Mashibinbin ooohs
[21:16] <Mystara> Imagine the crowd cheering
[21:16] <Mystara> heh
[21:17] <Mystara> Let's bring up the board again
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ £1,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £0.10 ] [ £3,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £1 ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £50 ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £100 ] [ £50,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £500 ] [ £100,000 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] [ X ] [ 19 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 22 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ 12 ] [ X ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ]
[21:17] <Skeletron> [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 6 ]
[21:17] <Mashibinbin> oi Noel stop that woman flinging her underwear on the set, I think her names Morgaine...
[21:17] <Jennifer> Heh
[21:17] <Mystara> Shoo, Morgaine!
[21:18] <Mystara> We'll have the banker offering you Morgaine's underwear if we're not careful
[21:18] <Mystara> Okay, Jennifer, where next?
[21:18] <Jennifer> Yeah, no deal to that
[21:18] <Jennifer> 8
[21:18] <Mystara> Number 8
[21:18] <Skeletron> [ 8 ] --> | £3,000 |
[21:19] <Jennifer> Ooh.
[21:19] <Jennifer> 12
[21:19] <Skeletron> [ 12 ] --> | £100 |
[21:19] <Mystara> Okay, fairly balanced
[21:19] <Jennifer> 10
[21:19] <Mystara> We want another blue here, Jennifer
[21:19] <Skeletron> [ 10 ] --> | £0.10 |
[21:19] <Mystara> Woooooo!
[21:19] <Mashibinbin> yay!
[21:19] <Jennifer> That's better!
[21:19] <Mystara> Nice :)
[21:20] <Mystara> That should get a nicer offer from the banker, I think :)
[21:20] <Jennifer> Am I rushing through this too fast, btw? Should we pause for a sob story every time someone opens a box?
[21:20] <Mystara> Ideally, yes, but it's no problem ;)
[21:20] <Jennifer> 1
[21:20] <Mystara> And feel free to stop whenever you think you're in the best position
[21:20] <Mystara> No no, it's time to hear from the banker :P
[21:21] <Mashibinbin> (quiet at the back)
[21:21] <Mystara> We're just putting him off at the moment :)
[21:21] <Skeletron> The banker offers: £7,450
[21:21] <Jennifer> Ah, sorry
[21:21] <Mystara> Let's bring up the board
[21:21] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ £1,000 ]
[21:21] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:21] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:21] <Skeletron> [ £1 ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ £50 ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £50,000 ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ £500 ] [ £100,000 ]
[21:22] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:22] <Mystara> So the banker is offering you 7450. Let's hear from the audience here?
[21:22] <Mystara> Mashi?
[21:22] <Mashibinbin> oooh tricky
[21:22] <Zoe> No deal
[21:22] <Mystara> (Good :P)
[21:22] <Mashibinbin> lots of blues left
[21:22] <Mashibinbin> but lots of reds too no deal I say
[21:23] * Canadanne ( has joined #Knightmare
[21:23] <Mystara> Lots of no deals there, Zoe
[21:23] <Zoe> Hi Canadanne
[21:23] <Mystara> ehhh
[21:23] <Zoe> DOND in progress
[21:23] <Mystara> Jennifer
[21:23] <Jennifer> Oh, it's a tricky one
[21:23] <Mystara> Jennifer, what would £7450 mean to you?
[21:23] <Mystara> I think, if I understand correctly, that you're trying to buy a house?
[21:24] <Mashibinbin> whilst you ponder we would have a word from our sponsors but Radio Wey refused to send their roving reporter Mr Richings so we won't
[21:24] <Mystara> hehe
[21:24] <Jennifer> Their raving reporter? Oh, I see
[21:24] <Mystara> Yes, Mr Richings would make a good commentator here
[21:24] <Mashibinbin> that sounds more like our beloved Matt lol
[21:24] <Jennifer> What would £7450 mean? It would mean I get first position on the leaderboard.
[21:25] <Jennifer> For now
[21:25] <Mystara> heh, not this week I'm afraid :P
[21:25] <Jennifer> Hmm
[21:25] <Mystara> Just testing this week :)
[21:25] <Mystara> So, Jennifer, 7450. Deal or no deal?
[21:26] <Jennifer> Ah, let's go another round. No deal :)
[21:26] <Jennifer> I can take those blue ones out this time I'm sure
[21:26] <Mystara> Wooo!
[21:26] <Mystara> Okay, Jennifer, let's get rid of those blues
[21:26] <Mystara> Which case?
[21:27] <Jennifer> 1
[21:27] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] [ X ] [ 19 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 22 ]
[21:27] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ X ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]
[21:27] <Skeletron> [ 7 ] [ X ] [ 9 ] [ X ] [ 11 ]
[21:27] <Skeletron> [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 6 ]
[21:27] <Mystara> Number 1, let's see what we have
[21:27] <Skeletron> [ 1 ] --> | £500 |
[21:27] <Mystara> Woo! Blue!
[21:27] <Jennifer> Good, good
[21:27] <Jennifer> 16
[21:27] <Skeletron> [ 16 ] --> | £1,000 |
[21:27] <Mystara> Ooooh, red, but not too bad
[21:28] <Zoe> Not too bad
[21:28] <Jennifer> That's OK.
[21:28] <Mystara> One more
[21:28] <Jennifer> 9
[21:28] <Skeletron> [ 9 ] --> | £100,000 |
[21:28] <Mashibinbin> ouch
[21:28] <Mystara> Ouch
[21:28] <Jennifer> No!
[21:28] <+Caei> awww
[21:28] * +Caei rubs Mashibinbin "better"
[21:28] <Mystara> Ooooh, no
[21:28] <Mystara> And it was going so well
[21:28] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ ]
[21:28] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:28] <Mashibinbin> why can't all girls offer to do that?!
[21:28] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:28] <Skeletron> [ £1 ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ £50 ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ ]1 [ £50,000 ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:29] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:29] <Mystara> Okay
[21:29] <Mystara> Well, on the plus side, the board is still quite nicely balanced
[21:29] <Mystara> Lots of those middle values up
[21:29] <Mashibinbin> if this is a good offer might want to deal
[21:30] <Mystara> Okay, well....
[21:30] <Mashibinbin> the 1 dunselm p's still there
[21:30] <Mystara> Skeletron is telling me he's feeling a little sorry for you
[21:30] <Jennifer> How kind
[21:30] <Mystara> And, he does point out, that you didn't have too bad a round.
[21:30] <Jennifer> Is the banker feeling sorry for me?
[21:30] <Skeletron> The banker offers: £8,250
[21:31] <Mystara> It sounds like it
[21:31] <Jennifer> OK, I didn't think the offer would go up after losing the £100k
[21:31] <Mystara> mmm, maybe knocking out those two low blues helped you
[21:31] <Zoe> I'd say no deal, still a fair few low values on there to knock out, you'd have to be very unlucky to know out the three highest in one go
[21:32] * Jennifer asks the audience for advice
[21:32] <Mystara> Also, you have a nice run of reds there
[21:32] <Forester> Continue
[21:32] <Mashibinbin> if that money means a lot to you deal
[21:32] <Mashibinbin> if not play on
[21:32] <Mystara> Zoe, Annie?
[21:32] <Zoe> See above
[21:33] <+Caei> See above... Sabove.
[21:34] <Mystara> Annie?
[21:34] <Jennifer> Oh, I don't know.. It's a better deal than I thought I'd get
[21:34] <Jennifer> Definitely tempted
[21:35] <Mystara> heh
[21:35] <Forester> It's lower than any single one of the reds though
[21:35] <Mystara> Well, Jennifer, deal or no deal?
[21:35] <Jennifer> Let's play on. No deal
[21:36] <Mystara> Woohoo!
[21:36] <Mystara> Okay then
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ £1 ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ £50 ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £50,000 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] [ X ] [ 19 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 22 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ X ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ X ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ 7 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 11 ]
[21:36] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 6 ]
[21:36] <Mystara> Where next then?
[21:36] <Jennifer> 14
[21:36] <+Caei> Jennifer: that's wangernumb!
[21:37] <Mystara> Wrong game, Caei
[21:37] <Skeletron> [ 14 ] --> | £50 |
[21:37] <Mystara> Woo!
[21:37] <Mashibinbin> good!
[21:37] <Jennifer> Yay!
[21:37] <+Caei> so... about my sandwich..
[21:37] <Jennifer> 22
[21:37] <Skeletron> [ 22 ] --> | £1 |
[21:37] <Mystara> Yeah!
[21:37] <Mashibinbin> excellent
[21:37] <Jennifer> 6
[21:37] <Mystara> Still that 1p..
[21:37] <Skeletron> [ 6 ] --> | £50,000 |
[21:37] <Mystara> ooooooh
[21:37] <Mashibinbin> erp
[21:38] <Jennifer> Ah, it was going so well
[21:38] <Mystara> Still got that 1p up there
[21:38] <Zoe> If only that alst one had been blue.....
[21:38] <Mashibinbin> still tipping in your favour now
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:38] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:38] <Mystara> Yes, over time it's getting more and more in your favour
[21:38] <Mashibinbin> 4 a piece
[21:38] <Mystara> It'll be interesting to see where the banker goes from here
[21:38] <Mashibinbin> has to go up surely
[21:39] <Zoe> Did lost that 50000 though
[21:39] <Zoe> lose^
[21:39] <Mashibinbin> troo
[21:39] <Mystara> hmmm
[21:39] <Mystara> I see
[21:39] <Mystara> Well, it seems that the banker has been listening to Forester
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

[21:39] <Skeletron> The banker offers: £9,999
[21:39] <Mystara> £1 less than the lowest red
[21:39] <Jennifer> Interesting offer.
[21:40] <Jennifer> Still lower than half the numbers though
[21:40] <Mystara> mmmm
[21:40] <Mystara> There is still that 1p up there though
[21:41] <Mystara> Come on then, audience
[21:41] <Mystara> Let's hear some thoughts
[21:41] <Zoe> It's a difficult one but I'd go with no deal but only just
[21:41] <Mashibinbin> you're on an even keel
[21:41] <Mashibinbin> could go either way
[21:42] <Mystara> There's a nice 75k up there too
[21:42] <Mashibinbin> and would someone escort Morgaine off the premises she just killed a camera man with the last piece of lingerie she chucked
[21:42] <Mystara> hehe
[21:43] <Mystara> Okay, well, Jennifer...
[21:43] <Mystara> Deal or no deal?
[21:43] <Jennifer> ...
[21:43] <Jennifer> Let's play on
[21:43] <Jennifer> No deal
[21:43] <Mystara> Phew!
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ £0.01 ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ £10 ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £75,000 ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] [ X ] [ 19 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 15 ] [ X ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ 7 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 11 ]
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
[21:44] <Mystara> Okay then, let's try and get an all-blue round
[21:44] <Mystara> Where to?
[21:44] <Jennifer> Right - 15 first, obviously
[21:44] <Mystara> Obviously
[21:44] <Skeletron> [ 15 ] --> | £75,000 |
[21:44] <Mystara> Noooooo!
[21:45] <Jennifer> No!
[21:45] <Mystara> BLUE, Jennifer, BLUE!
[21:45] <Jennifer> Now I have to rethink my whole strategy!
[21:45] <Mystara> That's the other colour :P
[21:45] <Jennifer> 3
[21:45] <Mystara> haha
[21:45] <Skeletron> [ 3 ] --> | £0.01 |
[21:45] <Mystara> Phew!
[21:45] <Mashibinbin> *expletive goes here before censors arrived*
[21:45] <Mystara> At least you've killed the 1p!
[21:45] <Jennifer> Glad to have that out of the way :)
[21:45] <Forester> Still very balanced
[21:45] <Mystara> Indeed!
[21:46] <Mashibinbin> you're getting at least a fiver
[21:46] <Jennifer> 7
[21:46] <Mystara> 7
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ 7 ] --> | £10 |
[21:46] <Mystara> And that's the tenner gone as well
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:46] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:46] <Jennifer> Great - there are more reds than blues up there
[21:46] <Mystara> Now if you can just get rid of that £5
[21:46] <Mashibinbin> well played
[21:47] <Mystara> Yes, good selections there
[21:47] <Mystara> hmmmm
[21:47] <Mystara> The banker seems less impressed
[21:48] <Skeletron> The banker offers: £7,500
[21:48] <Jennifer> That's gone down
[21:48] <Mystara> Indeed
[21:48] <Mashibinbin> odd
[21:48] <Mystara> (Actually not odd, but nm :P)
[21:48] <Jennifer> I'm not impressed - anyone else got thoughts?
[21:48] <Mashibinbin> even
[21:49] <Zoe> No deal, you'd have to be unlucky to knock out the three red values and if you could get that 5 out of the way then you should get a good final offer
[21:49] <Mashibinbin> not impressed by that offer no deal
[21:49] <Zoe> Although the banker could always have other ideas
[21:49] <Mystara> The banker does tend to like runs of numbers
[21:49] <Forester> I would play on still, I think odds are in your favour
[21:49] <Jennifer> Yes, unless I pick the 3 reds this time
[21:50] <Mystara> Indeed
[21:50] <Forester> Which is possible but least likely outcome
[21:50] <Mashibinbin> get two blues and a low red
[21:50] <Zoe> You'd be unlucky to knock out all three though
[21:50] <Zoe> And as I say, get the 5 out of the way and things coud be quite good
[21:50] <Jennifer> OK, let's give it a go
[21:50] <Jennifer> No deal
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £10,000 ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £20,000 ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ £35,000 ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] [ X ] [ 19 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ 11 ]
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ X ] [ 2 ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
[21:51] <Mystara> Okay, Jennifer
[21:51] <Mystara> This is it
[21:51] <Jennifer> The tension builds
[21:51] <Jennifer> 17
[21:51] <Mystara> Let's just hope we don't have three reds here
[21:51] <Skeletron> [ 17 ] --> | £35,000 |
[21:51] <Mystara> Oooooh
[21:51] <Jennifer> Ooh
[21:51] <Mashibinbin> poo
[21:52] <Zoe> That's only one of them
[21:52] <Jennifer> 11
[21:52] <Zoe> Get that 5 out of the way and things could turn around
[21:52] <Skeletron> [ 11 ] --> | £10,000 |
[21:52] <Mashibinbin> bigger poo
[21:52] <Mystara> Agh
[21:52] <Jennifer> Uh oh
[21:52] <Zoe> All comes down to the last one then
[21:52] <Zoe> This could change a lot
[21:52] <Mystara> Let's at least get the 5 out
[21:52] <Jennifer> 19
[21:52] <Mystara> Come on, Jennifer, positive thoughts!
[21:52] <Mashibinbin> blueeeeeeeeeee
[21:52] <Skeletron> [ 19 ] --> | £20,000 |
[21:52] <Zoe> Oh no!
[21:52] <Jennifer> What!
[21:52] <Forester> *expletives*
[21:53] <Mystara> Unbelievable
[21:53] <Mystara> That has to be, the unluckiest round I've seen
[21:53] * Mystara 's phone rings
[21:53] <Mystara> Oh dear oh dear oh dear
[21:53] <Jennifer> It was all going so well!
[21:53] <Mashibinbin> that's more poo than an episode of honey boo boo
[21:54] <Mystara> The banker says "that's what you get for trusting Forester's knowledge of probability"
[21:54] <Mashibinbin> (or honey poo poo)
[21:54] <Jennifer> lol
[21:54] <Mystara> He says he's being generous with this offer
[21:54] <Jennifer> It still has 4 digits?
[21:54] <Skeletron> The banker offers: £345
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ £5 ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ ] [ ]
[21:55] <Skeletron> [ £750 ] [ ]
[21:55] <Mystara> Looks like it doesn't
[21:55] <Mashibinbin> thats v generous but with £750 you can treat us all to a pizza
[21:56] <Mystara> That's a hell of a lot of pizza
[21:56] <Mashibinbin> no more than we had at the convention surely ;)
[21:56] <Mystara> haha, that pizza was surprisingly cheap
[21:56] <Jennifer> Except the people who advised me to keep playing. No pizza for them :)
[21:57] <Mystara> :D
[21:57] <Mystara> More for me then :)
[21:57] <+Caei> :o)
[21:57] <Mystara> Well, Jennifer.... it's time to ask the question
[21:57] <Jennifer> Mind you, £345 is still a lot of pizza
[21:57] <Mystara> DEAL, or NO DEAL?
[21:57] <Mashibinbin> it is
[21:57] <Jennifer> And £5 is a pizza
[21:57] <Mashibinbin> (cue slice of life jokes Hugo)
[21:58] <Jennifer> What should I do, audience?
[21:58] <Zoe> I'd no deal, more to gain than to lose here
[21:58] <Zoe> Although I wouldn't say that if the stakes were a lot higher
[21:59] <Mashibinbin> depends how much pizza you want
[22:00] <Jennifer> Hmm
[22:00] <Mystara> So?
[22:01] <Jennifer> No deal. I'm feeling lucky
[22:01] <Mystara> heh
[22:01] <Jennifer> Against all the evidence
[22:01] <Mystara> Okay then
[22:01] <Mystara> Would you like to trade your box for the one remaining box?
[22:01] <Zoe> (Swap or no swap)
[22:02] <Mystara> Yeah, that
[22:02] <Jennifer> No, I'll stick with 13
[22:02] <Mystara> Okay
[22:02] <Mystara> Let's open box number 2 then, which is the one remaining box
[22:02] <Zoe> Here we go.....
[22:02] <Mystara> So this is what you've turned down
[22:02] <Zoe> IIRC they didn't do it that way on the show, at least not at the start
[22:02] <Mystara> Fucking script
[22:03] <Jennifer> I've turned down the script?
[22:03] <Forester> I didn't know there was a box containing the "fucking script"
[22:03] <Mashibinbin> only billy has a knightmare script
[22:03] <Mashibinbin> and david rowe
[22:03] <Mystara> yah yah yah
[22:03] <Jennifer> I didn't know david rowe was one of the possible prizes
[22:04] <Mashibinbin> well he makes the pizza you'd undoubtedly buy us
[22:04] <Jennifer> So if I win the £750 I use it to hire David Rowe to make us all pizza?
[22:04] <Skeletron> Box number 2 contains.....£750
[22:04] * Mashibinbin nods fervently
[22:04] <Jennifer> Ah.. He probably won't do it for £5
[22:04] <Zoe> Oh no
[22:04] <Skeletron> Jennifer, you win... £5
[22:05] <Jennifer> I win!
[22:05] <Mashibinbin> *more expletives*
[22:05] <Forester> £5 more than you had at the start
[22:05] <Forester> Go buy a lottery ticket
[22:05] <Jennifer> And a pizza
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

Just to update y'all.

This weekend, we'll be doing another playtest.
Next weekend (16th), Billy will be coming in to play our very first official week.

As before, register if you want a chance to win!
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

Just another nudge about this....

The game is up on running and is taking place at 8PM or thereabouts on Sunday evenings. Our highest scorer so far is Jennifer on approximately £35,000. An easily beatable score! :)

As I mentioned before, if you've already played, you can play again. If you haven't played...why not? We're giving prizes away here :P
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mashibinbin »

Come on everyone!

Chat is there for all to enjoy and more often than not you get me to flirt with, Alan to insult and even the possibility of freebies for you to win!

All at no cost but your time!
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

So it's been a few weeks with no players now and it currently looks like this investment isn't going to pay off.

I'll see if we have some players this weekend and otherwise, I shall call it a day.

For those of you who played.... Have no fear! I have a box of rare/unique Knightmare goodies/props from Tim. I shall have a rummage and see if there's anything suitable. Otherwise, I shall find something else with which to reward your participation :)
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by pjmlfc05 »

I did want to play but at the time you advised it was too late. What is the latest you can play?

I cannot come to km chat any earlier than half 9 really.
The only way is onward, there is no turning back.
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Re: Knightmare Prizes to be won!

Post by Mystara »

It takes a fair amount of concentration to run the game. There's lots of stats and analysis to do, as well as issuing the correct commands in the correct order to make the game 'go'. Given that the game can also take a while to take its course, if it's late enough that I am already tired then I cannot really run it. I would end up pushing you to make snap decisions and I dont consider that to be fair.

As a guess, I would say that 9pm is probably the latest I can go. But to some extent it depends on the circumstances.
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