Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

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Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by Drassil »

As you may have seen on the homepage or elsewhere, last month Paul Flannery interviewed Anthony Haigh, Dungeoneer 11 of Series 2, on his Pirate Moustache Twitch channel.

(I'm not going to link to the channel because a lot of the videos include streams of Knightmare and Crystal Maze episodes, which isn't legal.)

The video seems not to be online now, so here from memory are some of the things revealed by Anthony:

When he took the phonecall offering him a quest, he was told to confirm within the hour. His parents were out at his grandmother's and she didn't have a phone, so he had to cycle over to tell them.

I think Anthony said that he was in Norwich for 10 days, half of which his team spent waiting to be called into the studio.

On arrival at the studio for his quest, Anthony's outfit was deemed unsuitable and he was whisked off to wardrobe. This took an hour. By the time he returned, his advisors had met Hugo & co and everyone was ready to start filming.

For the final scene with Lillith, she was in a different bluescreen void from Anthony. In one of the behind the scenes photos from the pilot, Lillith is in the same void as the dungeoneer. This suggests that there were two different setups for Lillith's room: one for when she had to give or receive an object from the dungeoneer, and one for when she didn't.

Anthony mentioned his teammates Mark and Darren and said that another teammate was "no longer with us". That would be Alan. Although some of the Knightmare cast are known to have died (Guy Standeven, John Woodnutt, Bill Cashmore, Mary Miller), this is the first known report of a Knightmare contestant having passed away. Sad news. Condolences to Alan's family and friends. I wish we still had adviser pictures on the website, not just dungeoneers.

Anthony later designed his own 3D Knightmare board game. After telling Tim Child about it, Anthony and his family were invited to Tim's house. Anthony's game was, Tim said, better than the one he had just signed off on with Milton Bradley. Anthony left his prototype with Tim.

A comment on the interview itself: I wasn't quite sure why Paul kept up his Treguard voice during the interview, since he wasn't interviewing Anthony in character.
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Re: Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by Canadanne »

I also remember him mentioning that he was distracted by problems with his earpiece falling out while listening at doors for Folly's laughter!

Maybe Lillith had to be in a different void when it was going to be a death scene, for some technical reason?
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Re: Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by AntHaigh »

Hi there
Yes it was great to be interviewed! And was a great experience being in Knightmare! The reason me a Lilith had to be in separate rooms was so that they could make me fall down the chasm when she removed it! And yes I had a ‘Knightmare’ with my earpiece which is one reason I did not read the poison properly as I was really concentrating on being able to hear! And we had terrible questions from the wall monster as the team before us won they made it difficult for us!
I’m always happy to talk about Knightmare if anyone had questions!
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Re: Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by Drassil »

Welcome to the forum, Anthony. Thanks for joining and for your willingness to talk about your Knightmare experience. I hope I've correctly recalled what you said in your chat with Paul.

I saw a tweet in which you talked about 'walking the dungeon floors'. I once wrote a parody of the Billy Joel song Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) where my theme was Series 2. I enjoyed changing the first line from "Anthony works in the grocery store" to "Anthony walks on the chromakey floor".
Canadanne wrote: 20 Mar 2021, 22:32 Maybe Lillith had to be in a different void when it was going to be a death scene, for some technical reason?
That made more sense than my speculation, and who better than a victim of Lillith's to confirm it? ;) It's probably fair for us to assume that whenever a dungeoneer encountered a character, and one of them was to be subject to a special effect (appearing in the middle of the room, disappearing, changing size, moving), that both chromakey voids were used. We know it was also done for meetings with the Giant in Series 1.

Anthony, it's also nice to know that Knightmare was mentioned in the speeches at your wedding. I happen to know that that wasn't the last time. Maybe it's happened at all Knightmare contestants' weddings...

There's a question about meeting adjacent teams that you're welcome to add an answer to.
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Re: Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by Mystara »

It's probably fair for us to assume that whenever a dungeoneer encountered a character, and one of them was to be subject to a special effect (appearing in the middle of the room, disappearing, changing size, moving), that both chromakey voids were used. We know it was also done for meetings with the Giant in Series 1.
That's basically correct. By superimposing the two feeds from two different voids you can do whatever you want to one character in one void without having any effect on the other. Hence why one entity can be bigger/smaller/high up/coloured/vanishing while the other does not.

I believe this was used for our own 'paladin scene' in S8. Paladin was one in room, Dunstan in another.

Of course, the downside is that physical interaction is impossible. If you're not in the same void, you can't physically interact.
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Re: Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by TheOldenDays »

As revelations go, this one is very revealing, and it sheds a lot of light on why Anthony did physically fall out of Lillith's lair while her earlier two victims didn't. I think it's fair to assume that no one thought of putting Maeve or Akash in a different void during their death scenes, and then finally the penny dropped for Anthony. Obvious once you read the explanation, but I've always wondered about that.
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Re: Interview with Anthony Haigh (Series 2 Team 11)

Post by Morghanna »

It's very good of Anthony to contribute his experiences. These recollections from behind-the-scenes are very interesting to those of us who only ever saw Knightmare from the sofa.
It's notable that he mentions problems with his earpiece. Several dungeoneers, particularly Ross in S3, seemed to have difficulties hearing their advisors.
"I think it's about time you got wise to the ways of real magic. The kind that is borne on the dark side." >:D
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