Long time lurker finally joins!

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Long time lurker finally joins!

Post by haymansafc »

Greetings all! It's always best to get the introductions out of the way first!

My name is Gary and have been a big and somewhat passionate Knightmare fan since, well, a very early age being a once avid CITV viewer! I'm 28 and from Cheshire.

I first discovered this site some years ago actually but never had enough courage to actually sign up. When I first discovered this site, I was astounded that there are so many people out there who also have this legendary show in their hearts and minds. By the time I went to High School (1997), most people had stopped discussing Knightmare and back then I thought that perhaps I was on my own in having very fond and frighteningly regular memories of the show! It come as a relief to then discover this site after finishing high school!

So, why did I join now and not sooner? I'm quite a shy person face-to-face so it takes a lot for me to do anything 'public', even if it's just down in words on a forum. However, after hearing news of Knightmare Live and of course the special YouTube Geek Week one-off, I finally thought "Oh, what the heck! Do it!". I will be adding my own thoughts to that thread later on.

What do I like about Knightmare? Anything, really! Also, I'd like to point out that I'm generally a bigger fan of the later series. Quite a rare thing around these parts which I don't really understand why. I thought they were fantastic! Sure, I'm not quite old enough to recall the first few series when they were first aired but of course have seen them via Challenge TV or YouTube since. About my earliest memory of Knightmare was constantly hiding behind the sofa in fear of Goblins e.t.c and it was certainly before Pickle made an appearance! I was hooked from there on in until the end.

Me and my best friend we're always talking about it and trying to act it out in the playground! We even set up our team of four (another two Knightmare fans) ready to submit our request to take part on the show! Alas, nothing ever did happen!

Anyway, enough from me for now. I've typed this all out on an iPod which in itself is quite some achievement in itself but the cause is worth it! I'll certainly be popping by to add my own comments and thoughts in the future.
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Re: Long time lurker finally joins!

Post by Canadanne »

Hi Gary, I'm glad you decided to sign up at last! Enjoy the forum! :)

I'd say I lean slightly towards preferring the later series too, just because the characters and humour make them so rewatchable, but I love all the series in different ways.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts about the show!
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Re: Long time lurker finally joins!

Post by HStorm »

Welcome aboard. Knightmare can be scary, but believe me, we're not, so nothing to be shy about. ;)
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Re: Long time lurker finally joins!

Post by Drassil »

Thanks for joining, Gary. I hope you have a rewarding time here.
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Re: Long time lurker finally joins!

Post by Kieran »

Great to see you here, Gary. Enjoy the forums!
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