Knightmare Chat Trivia

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Knightmare Chat Trivia

Post by Mystara »

Over the last few years, a few people have suggested adding trivia to Knightmare chat.

Generally I've resisted this, because I don't want to be responsible for having to add general knowledge questions to a database, and I didn't consider it likely that other people would do so.

Well, it's taken me a while, but finally over the last six months I've been able to solve this by putting together a database of around 35,000 general knowledge questions, which are now accessible from Knightmare chat. Hurray!

There are a few caveats though:
- The questions are not entirely without error. The last six months have been spent looking for inconsistencies, duplicates, typos, non-questions, etc. However, I haven't been able to fact check everything, or indeed, even read through the entire set of questions.
- The demanded answer currently has to be exact, and it's often stricter than you might think (e.g. requiring middle names of people). I'm looking at options to try and make this easier. One idea is to allow other players to vote that another player's answer was "close enough" and deserving of the point.
- The questions wildly vary in difficulty across a wide range of subjects, but generally it's quite tough. I'd be curious to see what some of our general knowledge experts like KaM make of it. Currently, the high score is held by Jennifer with 4/10.

If you want to play, give me a nudge when you're in a chat. As with Werewolf, I'll look to open it up in the future, but I'm still holding out to see if someone wants to take on the role of chat landlord. Robin/Jennifer, I'm looking at you :P
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Re: Knightmare Chat Trivia

Post by Mashibinbin »

I'd be happy to job share it with Jen but with the increased number of lates at work now extended to finishing at 9 some weekends I couldn't commit to it solely.
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Re: Knightmare Chat Trivia

Post by Pooka »

Mashibinbin wrote: 06 Mar 2019, 10:26 I'd be happy to job share it with Jen but with the increased number of lates at work now extended to finishing at 9 some weekends I couldn't commit to it solely.
The good thing about job-sharing OP duties on IRC is that it's completely possible. The channel owner (that's Mystara) can set as many people up as OPs as they want, and in the past (where the channel was joint-run by Billy and Darren) they both had SOP status and could make changes as they went along.

In the early days, we had as many as eight - two SOPs, two AOPs and between one and four HOPs!

Neil's bot (Jobe) gave OP status to anyone with the requisite nickname. If Alan's bot (Skellie) in still in the channel (I haven't been to chat for months, so I don't know), maybe he could set her up to do that for you.

So what I'm saying is, really, that if you want to job share with Jennifer, it's not a difficult task, and easily done.
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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Re: Knightmare Chat Trivia

Post by Mashibinbin »

Having been around for most of that time myself I do know that history already.

Where've you been hiding yourself since late last year anyhow, any more away and Hugo's catchphrase will become rather apt on your next visit ;)
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