Olaf the Viking. Played by Tom Karol.

Olaf, the Viking

By Keith McDonald

Olaf the Dead was a freelance Viking guard and raider who demanded loot or pillage to allow teams to continue.

Olaf was a Viking guard who appeared in various places in the upper levels. He demanded a bribe for passage or would harm the dungeoneer.

He claims his threats are just 'following orders'. But his main concern is never his superiors - it's what he can get from dungeoneers.

You have some lootings for Olaf, yes?


Olaf the Viking, played by Tom Karol in Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

Olaf accepted just about anything as loot - from an egg timer to a jester's folderol. One team manages to fool him into accepting an imaginary 'philosopher's stone'.

Motley the Jester explains that Olaf is lacking in mental agility. In the same scene, the Viking hits himself with his own club and almost tumbles off a cliff.

But teams did face a threat if they had nothing to offer. One team must use magic to scare him off, while another is rescued by a swarm of bees.

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Series 1 Quest 4. Danny lands in the serpent's stomach.

Dungeoneers who passed into the serpent's mouth risked falling into its stomach. Teams had to improvise to fashion an escape.

Series 3: Teams

Series 3, Quest 4. Mogdred taunts a dungeoneer in Level 3.

Series 3 featured 12 teams across 16 episodes, with no winning quests.


Lillith, the Sorceress. Played by Mary Miller.

Lillith was an unpredictable sorceress who appeared in Level 1 during the first two seasons of Knightmare. Teams had to please her, or they perished.

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