Gretel was the first dungeon maid. She influenced the story of several quests and was successfully rescued by one of the winning teams.
- Series | 2
- Played by | Audrey Jenkinson
Gretel was a regular presence throughout Series 2. She dressed in a long white gown and ran around with high energy and a perky voice.
Do you think I'm pretty?
Gretel gave out small clues and spells and helped to mediate the danger from unpredictable characters, such as Mildread.
This made her vulnerable to capture. One team's quest objective was to rescue her at the end of the dungeon.
She was also caught by Ariadne, causing another team to use a FREE spell that doomed themselves.
Beauty and the Beast
Gretel was an archetypal Disney princess in the making. Alongside her giggles, she could also be moody.
She was obsessed with being pretty. She pestered Mildred the Witch into making a beauty spell while asking a dungeoneer for beauty tips.
Mildread remarks, "It's not beauty she needs - it's a brain!"
One dungeoneer says he cannot tell if she is pretty because he cannot see her through the helmet. She argues that he should be able to tell from her voice.
But this fixation was not about attracting advances. Unlike the future camaraderie between Motley the Jester and Mellisandre the Maid, Gretel was not particularly keen on Folly. At one point, she rejects his advances.