Rothberry the Apothecary. Played by Mark Knight.

Rothberry the Apothecary

By Keith McDonald

Rothberry was an amusing alchemist and apothecary who conducted bizarre experiments but usually managed to find something useful for dungeoneers.

Rothberry was an alchemist and apothecary, who made most of his appearances in Series 7.

He was eccentric and comical, muttering apothecary jokes and anecdotes about bats.

He responded enthusiastically to the sight of gold and always found something useful for dungeoneers in exchange.

These are bats' droppings. You pop these under your pillow and then in the morning you have no trouble getting up.


Rothberry the Apothecary, played by Mark Knight. As seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).

Alchemist vs. Apothecary

Rothberry's skills as an alchemist were viewed with suspicion. Eventually, he is forced to the outskirts of Grimdale as the town fathers don't like the explosions.

This decision is justified when a dungeoneer finds him accidentally blowing up the potion they need.

Rothberry's skills as an apothecary are much better. One of his healing potions manages to save Hordriss from the after-effects of a green fireball.

He also provided generic remedies such as sight potions or insight powders, as well as spyglasses.

Floater's high

Rothberry's cameo in Series 8 showed the best of the character.

He is discovered weeping after taking a pick-me-up that went wrong. However, his mood recovers instantly when he is offered gold.

He helps the dungeoneer to open a trapdoor, which requires a flying potion. The potion makes him giddy, then he floats comically in mid-air as the dungeoneer descends to Level 2.

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