One variant of a moving floor challenge challenge, known as the Firebomb Room (1993).

Moving Blocks / Firebomb Room

By Keith McDonald

A floor puzzle that appeared in a variety of formats over the final two series of Knightmare.

In this room, dungeoneers had to cross a segmented floor. Four platforms were separated by pairs of blocks that moved alternately in sequence.

The room had several variants - some more challenging than others.

A variant of the Firebomb Room / Moving Blocks without fireball ducts, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).
Moving Blocks in Series 7

One Series 7 variant, known as the 'Firebomb Room', shot fireballs across the walkways, which made the timing difficult.

The easiest way to cross this room was to stay close to the wall, but clue objects could be placed in the centre of the platforms to discourage this.

A variant of the Firebomb Room with fireball ducts, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).
The Firebomb Room

The difficulty of the puzzle meant teams were often prompted to use sight magic during Series 7 - a common quirk during that season.

In Series 8, teams were often chased, especially once the additional fireball threat was removed.

A variant of the Firebomb Room / Moving Blocks without fireball ducts, as seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
Moving Blocks in Series 8

The room provides our first glimpse of the Miremen and presents Snapper Jack as a potential assassin as well as an interrogator.

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