The rift valley of Angar, which forms the threshold to Level 2 in Series 7 (1993).

Rift of Angar

By Keith McDonald

The misty rift valley formed the threshold to Level 2 in Series 7 of Knightmare.

The Rift of Angar was a mountain valley that formed the beginning of Level 2 in the seventh season.

Throughout Series 5-6, the methods of travelling between levels and the venues that formed these journeys varied from quest to quest. In Series 7, these transitions were standardised.

Smirkneorff's journey into the rift valley, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).

Every dungeoneer travelled to Level 2 via the dragon, Smirkenorff. His path always merged from a real-life seascape into a misty CGI environment known as the Rift of Angar.

The mountainous valley was often used for clues or for spyglasses but was regularly guarded by trolls. Teams might encounter a hibernating troll in the valley and need to flee as it awoke.

The Rift Valley of Angar, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).

It was also the scene for a 'test match' between rival sorcerers Hordriss and Grimaldine, who hurled fireballs at each other across the rift.

A most depressing environment, here.


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