The Wall of Jericho, with the full room behind. Appears in Level 3 during the early series of Knightmare.


By Keith McDonald

This complex room was sometimes obscured by a large wall in the foreground. Once beyond this, dungeoneers were able to summon Merlin.

For many teams, this room was a two-part exercise in Level 3.

Teams would arrive at a wall with Jericho 6 written on it. The dungeoneer must blow a horn of Joshua. It sounds like a trumpet and disintegrates the wall.

The first part of the Jericho Room (the wall), based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).
The Wall of Jericho in the foreground

Behind the wall was a large table and a staircase to the exit. A symbol 'M' would appear on the table. If a dungeoneer collected this, it would summon Merlin.

Merlin would offer spells or advice to assist with the trickier challenges that lay ahead.

The wall wasn't always present, but teams might still face dangers from cavernwights or a magic sword.

The second part of the Jericho Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 3 of Knightmare (1989).
The full room behind the wall


The room provided challenges for the production team.

The wall had to be layered separately in the foreground so the original layer for the main room could appear behind it when the wall disappears.

Season endings

Jericho was also useful as an abrupt ending, and it was the final room of the first two series.

In Series 1, the final team does not have the horn, so their quest ends immediately. In Series 2, the final dungeoneer is rescued by Treguard before the dungeon disintegrates.

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