A two-part area in Series 4, based on the basements of Castle Rising in Norfolk.

The Basement

By Keith McDonald

In Series 4, this two-part area was used for clues and character encounters early in Level 2.

Dungeoneers usually enter the south basement (or the 'left' side of the two halves). This section is normally used for Level 2 clues.

They would pass through a large arch to the other side and exit via a stairwell.

Several character interactions would take place here. Teams might rescue a character from the pillory, or enter with a character they have already rescued.

The basement scene, as seen in Series 4 of Knightmare (1990).

Gundrada the Sword Mistress was a regular accomplice, either looking for spoils or for a battle with goblins.

Both halves of this room featured separately as a wellway room in Level 1.

The area is based on the basements of Castle Rising in Norfolk.

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Series 4: Characters

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Challenge TV Documentary (2002)

Challenge TV Documentary (2002). A box of Challenge TV's cult favourite shows.

The TV channel Challenge began showing repeats of Knightmare in December 2002 for its Cult Selection season. A short documentary was shown ahead of the first episodes.

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