Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

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Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by Mashibinbin »

(This will probably get lost amongst the mass of entries [quiet at the back] but here goes... )

Well guys, as can be seen, the T-Shirt competition is full swing and a load of new posters and old lurkers, such as myself, have come here in their droves.

I personally have a lot to be grateful from this forum. Through it, in some cases I have made lasting friendships and been able to have endless discussions on all things Knightmare and through #Knightmare chat and the kmrpgs etc on almost everything else under the sun, moon and stars.

Let's try and make this a chance to revitalise both chat and the forums which have for quite a while not been as active as they once were.

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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by Kieran »

Looking at the stats we achieved 46 people at one time yesterday, which is quite a record since this version of the forums began in 2002.

The last few months have indeed been very quiet in these parts. Having seen this place through most of its time I was beginning to feel that perhaps people had talked out the show. But I think there's an awful lot more to say.

If there are any new people or old hands who have been alerted by the recent t-shirt lucky dip, then now seems as good a time as any to add some extra ideas to the forum and join KM Chat to discuss them.

I am mostly behind Mr Binbin for his post in that there's a lot to be grateful for both the existance of the site and the show itself. No harm in showing a little appreciation now and again. :)
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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by Illusion »

Well I'm shocked at the response! It only crossed my mind last night to announce the competition by sending an e-mail to all forum members. Out of the 890 or so e-mails that went out, approx 350 bounced indicating (not suprisingly) that there are many members with out of date e-mail addresses.

Anyway, even at 11pm we managed to set a record of the highest number of users online. One wonders what the figure may have been had I sent it earlier in the evening!

Good to see a few old members crawl out of the woodwork, and welcome to our new members.
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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by Madmogsue »

I have an awful lot to be greatful for this forum. it's got me involved in several projects that i would never have dreamed about being part of.

not to mention the number of friends i have made from here over the last 3 years or so.

*hold up hands* in truth i was never the hugest of fans of KM, although i do have fond memories of wanting to hide behind the sofa, or grabbing the nearest cushion and burying my face into it when it looked obvious something nasty was about to happen.

That's the way i like it though. it is a fond memory.

it's actually kind of fun to be part of the community. when people ask me, "so what were you up to on holiday?"

"well, me and a bunch of people i know, invaded this quaint little village, got dressed up in lots of mad costumes, and re-made an old kids tv show."

~slight blank expression~

"do you remember Knightmare?"

"oh yeah! i remember that!..."

the audio play was also just as fun, and i'm hoping that i can continue to be a part of future projects.

But this place, truthfully opened several whole new worlds to me. from the RPG, the audio play, and the roleplay board.

and i do pop by from time to time, even if i don't log in or post.

here's hoping for a revival.
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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by JamesA »

The fact one still feels that they can participate in the Knightmare community (be it RPG, forum whatever) after 6 years has to be something postive. Granted, it's not always been plain sailing (but then again, nothing ever is) but I always feel I have something contribute here and am sure will always continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by KaM »

Here, here, to everything. I think it's sometimes easy to feel swallowed and insignificant. At first, it seemed as though it would be better to be invited to a great space like this, and the RPG presented that possibility, and I loved coming and expressing lots of ideas and thoughts at length - keeping thought alive on the programme that was such a huge part of me as a nipper. It's never always plain sailing, true enough - it is always going to be strange when, as a member for a number of years, I can have a period of a number of months not posting, and then feel something of a stranger coming back. But I've always loved this site, this forum, its intentions and its people.

I've always had dreamy ambitions of offering something big to the community - as I always saw it, giving something back to a proportion of the significance of what Knightmare gave me ~ the crowd, the life, the purpose. I watched that ... age=inside for the first time in ages yesterday and welled up with the nostalgia of such strength in community. But I'm not sure what this contribution might be yet. The feeble alternative I can think of in the meantime is just to stick around and be a decent ambassador to the community, RPG group and KM as a whole. So grateful for everything here ~ infinite thanks for everyone who has made it possible.
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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by Drassil »

[This post was mostly drafted while the competition was still running.]

I like the idea behind this thread's title. A better version might have been: Been There, Said That, Sought The T-Shirt. ;D

Illusion, I'd be interested to know how the idea for the competition came about. In the past, you've raised concerns about unofficial Knightmare T-shirts, so should we take it that the TShirts365 ones have official endorsement?

I have mixed feelings about the competition. First, the positives. Many would say that we live in a world where courtesy is all too rare; so to see a thread with person after person saying 'Yes please' is strangely, well, pleasing. In addition, I think it's marvellous how the competition elicited posts from long-standing members who'd never made one before, such as Medusa (who has been a member since the very first month of this forum's life) and Ungaro, who then introduced him/herself in the Knewbie Welcome section (hello, if you're reading). And the setting of a new 'Most Online' record was impressive. If only there were a screen grab of it.

Now for the cynicism. To be frank, I found it frustrating to see dozens and dozens of Knightmare fans riding out of the mist, posting two words in the hope of getting something for nothing, and then disappearing again. (Obviously, that doesn't apply to all of the entrants, and likewise, nor does the following sentence.) While the competition was open, I thought to myself: if one of these people wins one of the T-shirts, then wears it in public, they are proclaiming their enthusiasm for Knightmare to all, and yet they have no desire to participate anew in Knightmare's main forum, the place that made their T-shirt-wearing possible: that, to me, is bitterly ironic. Having said that, it's any member's right to post as seldom as they wish. And although basing the competition purely on luck made it fair, I'm delighted on a personal level that two of the T-shirts were won by members whose commitment and productivity in this community have been significant and long-term.

These are just my opinions, and I'm not looking for a conflict. Perhaps in some of the above, I speak for others too; perhaps not.

At the risk of sounding like an arrogant so-and-so, I am one of the few to have posted in every full month for which I've been a member of this forum. This does not give me any seniority or superiority, but it does hopefully reinforce what I have said in this post. I feel an ongoing drive, not yet submerged by other factors in my life, to 'give something back' to Knightmare and its fan community.
Mashibinbin wrote:Let's try and make this a chance to revitalise both chat and the forums[,] which have[,] for quite a while[,] not been as active as they once were.

Sadly, since saying that over a month ago, you haven't posted further. :P However, if you do decide to lead by example, rest assured that you will have my support. My 'Operation VIM' post was along similar lines, in fact; though with the forum having just gone a record 5 days without any new posts, it seems overly optimistic now. Time will tell, as they say.
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Re:Been there, said 'Yes Please' for the T-shirt

Post by Illusion »

Drassil wrote:Illusion, I'd be interested to know how the idea for the competition came about. In the past, you've raised concerns about unofficial Knightmare T-shirts, so should we take it that the TShirts365 ones have official endorsement?
TShirts365 contacted me to inform me that they had created a Knightmare themed t-shirt after requests they received. They offered three for a competition on this website, of which how it was run was down to me. Naturally I provided a link to their website in return.

The t-shirts are quite clearly unofficial and bear no Knightmare branding, unlike the ones that have been seen on eBay. I have not given any official endorsement of the t-shirts, and as this website it unoffical itself it wouldn't do so anyway.

As for how the competition was run, I chose this method as it was the quickest, easiest and fairest to set up. I also decided to open the competition to forum members rather than the whole website, hence
e-mailing all members of the forum (which had an interesting effect!).

I appreciate your concerns that the t-shirts being won by members who hardly post, but I'm not sure how else this could be avoided and kept fair.
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