City of the Daleks (Video Game).

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City of the Daleks (Video Game).

Post by BBrooks »

If you stayed long enough after the End Credits rolled this week. You would have found that the first of The Doctor Who: Adventure Games was available to download. It's free and I recommend that you give it a go. It's brilliant.
It's really interactive (even in the cut-scenes, you get to choose which questions to ask to character's), and it's not too easy (some moments in the game are genuinely tricky, I accidentally killed The Doctor numerous times). :)

Plus, the story is has got to be one of the best Dalek stories in years. The Doctor and Amy decide to take a trip to London 1963 to see The Beatles live. But when they arrive they find London in ruins, all humans have been massacred and there are Daleks everywhere, Exterminating anything that moves. So it's up to The Doctor and Amy to save Humanity and The Earth and to Defeat the Daleks once again.

The Gameplay is great and very different (if you're expecting a Shoot-em-up, then you'll be dissapointed), Stealth and Cunning is expected of you, which involves timing Dalek Movements (to sneak past them unnoticed), crouching behind walls (to survey the area, before you make your move) and getting well out of the way of Dalek Sensor's. If a Dalek does notice you that your there, it will immediately chase after you, firing everything it's got. Which means you have to outrun them. Which is quite scary when you've got a few of them chasing you. You've also got puzzles and machines to decode as well.

All in all, these Adventure Games are very enjoyable, great fun and best of all there's 3 more to come, which will be available to download every Saturday for the next 3 weeks.
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Re: City of the Daleks (Video Game).

Post by DarkComet »

Worth it for the Eye of Time (nee Harmony), adding fuel to my rampant speculation that Omega will be namechecked by this season's end.

Also, if you have played a certain game and didn't shout out "Doctor! What happened? DOCTOR! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!" at least once, then you are legally obliged to go down to the station and turn in your geek card.
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