The Dunshelm Players: Famous For Retreating

Knightmare inspired creations from the community.
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

Good to know people are enjoying the play. Who knows, maybe we'll make more of them in future?
Stirling work
Well it would be, seeing where half the crew came from...

Feeble joke, sorry. :-[
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by JamesAllenby »

I haven't gotten around to listening to it yet but I've downloaded and heard the clips and it sounds fantastic. As someone who's been interested in doing Knightmare as a drama for a while now, this has made my day!

Please do more!!!
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by Mashibinbin »

Stirling work

Well it would be, seeing where half the crew came from...

Feeble joke, sorry"

Well it was meant as a joke from me but if you want to take the credit for its' feebleness instead of me then go right ahead! ;D

Continuing the bard anologies a step further the work is rar from being known as the well known 'Scottish Tragedy' I think it could well be classed as 'the mostly Scottish triumph'!
Carpe Diem - sieze the moment.
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

Duh, sorry!

Actually, I consider this a fine achievement on my part. Managing to miss a joke, and to explain the joke concurrently takes some doing! :o
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by Modeski »

Woo! Glad to see more people are enjoying the play. Please spread the word.

And HStorm, I think there' s a special PUNishment reserved for you :P
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

Folks, that gag was brought to you in tribute to the late, great Richard Whiteley...
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

We've received a few requests asking us to send the CD version of FFR to people. We will be doing that as soon as we can, but I'd better reiterate that the CD version will be a remix of the play, which hasn't been completed yet. It certainly won't be ready in time for Christmas presents, as someone has requested.

What I will do in the meantime is start a CDROM release of the MP3 version; a few people with narrowband connections have been having trouble downloading the play because it just takes too long. So I will copy the MP3 files, with a higher bitrate, to some CDROMs and despatch them to those who are having problems downloading. If you want to receive one of these, please send your address details to the KMRAMDRAM email address above.
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by Snowcat »

Thought I better chip in at this point since it's Me throwing the 'Remix' Together.

The original FFR script has 20 different scenes that were each recorded in seperate Pro-Tools. I've currently got as far as scene 15 (About halfway through Fears Tale) and meandering on at about a scene a week completed and bounced down.

'fraid real life intruding on the fun. 'One week' in this case being around 4-5 hours actually spent at the console but will try to get this done and out ASAP. Been hanging around the ether for long enough...

Thanks to everyone for their patience. It'll be rewarded when the time is right. ;)
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

The MP3 files for the audio play were offline for a few days while Forester moved them onto a new server. They are now available again from the usual site with the links updated. The links provided above by Modeski will not work anymore.

The torrent, by the way, has been taken down due to inactivity; basically nobody used it at all. Ah well...
Last edited by HStorm on 26 Jun 2007, 20:47, edited 1 time in total.
Knightmare Audio Plays from The Dunshelm Players.
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

Can't believe it! The MP3 release of FFR is one year old in under twenty minutes! It seems like only a month ago that it went live.

Anyway, we still don't know when the CD version will be ready unfortunately, as there are serious technical problems with it, but Snowcat's still working on it.
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by Fidjit »

I am impressed Martin, I'd love to do something like this. I can do a few impressions... Sue McPherson does a great Heggatty...

Keep it up :)
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Re:Famous For Retreating - Audio Play now available

Post by HStorm »

Sue McPherson does a great Heggatty
From feedback we've received, there seems to be a consensus that Sue's portrayal of Heggatty was the performance that most closely resembled the character as seen in the TV series.
Keep it up
Two more plays should (gah, 'should', what a scary word!) be available late next year.
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Post by eamesrevived »

Two more plays should (gah, 'should', what a scary word!) be available late next year.

listened to the first audio play a while ago and boy did it make me smile... I was only 2 or 3 when first saw Knightmare so didn't really understand at that age... but as I got older I loved it and the audioplay really says a lot about the fans, especially the actors who do the parts... love Lord Fear's background story and the background of Stiletta... thats something that Knightmare seemed to miss out... the background stories of its characters...

I guess its like any good series though, you watch the episodes (gameshow or otherwise), and then you start to ask questions about the characters, IE how did all this start... like with stuff like TMNT they had the episode of that cartoon series to explain "how it all began"

The audioplay gives you a small insight into a great idea from Tim Child, and even.... dare I say it, (no offence Tim, we all love/adore/admire/and all the other words of that meaning your original idea), gives Knightmare a whole new spin... they might not bring it back as a gameshow, which is still a shame, but who knows, the work the actors put into the audioplay, when, (note the use of 'when; HStorm ;-) hehe,), when the next audio plays are created and released, we might one day persuade television to create Knightmare as a serial drama or something, they had xena, hercules and now stuff like supernatural etc. so why not Knightmare?

And as for late next year, or whenever you guys have the time and resources to complete and release the next one(s).... guess I just have to accept fine art takes a lot of time, as evidenced by the first audioplay and man is it great... (don't know if I could help, but if I can let me know, and I will certainly try all I can to help),

As Brother Strange would say, (if he has this one in his big book, and if it can be counted as a proverb... yep you guessed it I'm a bit thick LOL); Everything comes to he (and she of course ladies :-) ) who waits

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Post by HStorm »

Hi Danny, welcome to the forum, and thanks for the feedback; we don't get very much, so it's nice when it's so positive.

Two more plays, I can confirm, will be recorded in April, although mixing and editing is such a long, slow, and intricate process that when they're released can only be guessed at.

There are several other, less ambitious projects in the pipeline in the shorter term, which may or may not be completed over the next month (or ever). Watch this space.
Knightmare Audio Plays from The Dunshelm Players.
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Post by Fidjit »

Welcome from Fidjit, Danny. Not the fourth dungeoneer to get blown up in the bomb room were you not? I didn't think so LOL ;D

I'm impressed by all your work HStorm an to the others. Could this possibly be a step toward a Knightmare Return do you think?

Keep up the good work fellas :)
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