Fidjit was an urchin and locksmith. He could open all the locked doors and gates around the upper levels of the dungeon.
- Series | 7
- Played by | Paul Valentine
Fidjit was an expert at picking locks and was keen to keep any keys that dungeoneers were carrying.
He is direct and no-nonsense with a Northern dialect. He is usually dressed in rags and doesn't have a groat to his name.
Understandably, he doesn't always offer to help unless he gets something in return.
Don't stand there like a daft ha'p'orth. Gerron wi'ya!
Artful dodger
Fidjit got himself into various scrapes during his short stint in the dungeon.
He needs rescuing from the pillory on one occasion. On another, Sidriss turns him into a toad in a bizarre re-enactment of a fairy tale. A frustrated Fidjit asks the dungeoneer to find a recuperative spell, such as RESTORE.
All appears to have forgiven by the end of the series. Fidjit attends the Academy of Magic when Sidriss deputises for her father. Fidjit lets the team into the Firebomb Room to gather witch amber.
Fidjit replaced the longstanding Motley as Paul Valentine's main character, but this experiment only lasted one year. Motley returned for Series 8.