The Skeleton Room was often used at the entrance to Level 3. This variation is from Series 1 of Knightmare.

Skeleton Room

By Keith McDonald

This room was a dark and sinister introduction to the third level during the early seasons of Knightmare.

This macabre room sets the scene for the third level in the early years of Knightmare.

It was dark and menacing, with a hanging skeleton between two narrow exits at the far wall.

Large tree roots in the foreground gave the room dimension and a sense of being deep underground. Matching blue boards on the set ensured that dungeoneers could emerge from behind them.

The Skeleton Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

Extra effects included skulls and hauntings, which create a chilling atmosphere. These would form into a tall skeleton that rose from the ground, frightening teams to hurry away.

In the first two series, this room might be repurposed to appear regularly throughout Level 3. A spectre of Mogdred might also appear to intimidate the dungeoneer.

In the third series, the dungeoneer arrives at this room in the overturned mine cart following a trip down the mine shaft.

Here, every step is danger, but speed is still essential.


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