Winteria. Series 5, Level 3.


By Keith McDonald

The icy and sinister final dungeon in Series 5 was monitored by the Ice Queen, Aesandre.

Winteria was a one-off setting for Level 3, used for the single winning team of Series 5.

It comprised of outdoor snow-covered areas, two indoor chambers, and a room resembling the Block and Tackle.

Knightmare Series 5 Team 4. Eye Shield footage of a wintery landscape.
The snowy landscape of Winteria

In an unusual twist, the dungeoneer is given a cloak, suggesting a sentient level of protection afforded to game players.

Winteria was the domain of Aesandre the Ice Queen, who was an occasional accomplice to Lord Fear. Aesandre guards the realm herself and appears in a final showdown with dungeoneers.

Knightmare Series 5 Team 4. Ben encounters the sorceress, Aesandre.
A showdown with Aesandre

The outdoor setting was based on the Prison Tower at Framlingham Castle, Suffolk. One of the indoor rooms used is Framlingham's Poorhouse Building.

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