One of the clearings from Wolfglade, a settlement from Level 1 of Series 5 in Knightmare.


By Keith McDonald

Wolfglade was a forest area that teams encountered in the early stages of the quest during Series 5.

On entering Wolfglade, Eye Shield footage led teams down forest trails towards a clearing.

One location contained a shack with an elf portal. Another was the foot of an uphill path. Both were used for clues or for encounters with characters such as Brother Mace.

A clearing and hut in Wolfglade, as seen in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).
A clearing and hut in Wolfglade

The area was patrolled by wolves. Teams would hear howls during Eye Shield footage leading away from the forest. Teams were also chased by assassins.

A forked path in Wolfglade, as seen in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).
A forked path in Wolfglade

On the borders of the forest lay the village of Wolfenden. Teams might also progress to the Lake or the Greenwood.

Wolfglade, for reasons that will become all too painfully obvious if you should happen to linger in it.

Brother Mace

The scenes for Wolfglade are based on the Weald and Downland Living Museum in West Sussex, including the Museum's woodyard and kiln.

The woodyard and kiln at the Weald and Downland Living Museum in West Sussex.

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Gwendoline the Greenwarden

Gwendoline the Greenwarden. Played by Juliet Henry-Massy.

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Series 5 Quest 6

Series 5, Quest 6. Alex uses a divining rod to reveal a mystery chest.

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