Magnifying glass with old vintage book and brazilian stamps. Photo by Koala on Unsplash.

Spot the Difference

By Nicholas Lam

Spot the 10 differences between two Knightmare 'mashups'.

Stephen has created a Knightmare 'Spot the difference' puzzle. Can you find the 10 differences? Answers below.

A montage for a Knightmare-related 'spot the difference' puzzle.

A montage for a Knightmare-related 'spot the difference' puzzle.

Spot the difference: Answers

In the second picture:

  1. The crack on the skull has disappeared
  2. The dot above the "i" in Knightmare has vanished
  3. Lord Fear's eyes are not glowing red
  4. One of the horns on the dungeoneer's helmet is missing
  5. The Pooka is a different colour
  6. Pixel the pixie has appeared just in front of Merlin
  7. Smirkenorff's eye is closed
  8. Aesandre is facing in the opposite direction
  9. Folly has been replaced by Motley (he should be used to it by now!)
  10. The walking skeleton is collapsing.

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