Book with pen

Interactive Story with Tim Child

By Nicholas Lam

A collaborative fanfic with the Knightmare forum members and Tim Child, plus illustrations by Emily Evans.

"Wait." Hordriss spoke in his deep voice from behind Treguard, placing his hand on Treguard's shoulder. "I think an experienced Dungeon Master would have the best chance, don't you...?"

Treguard spun round to him, unbelieving...

"I hope you're... you're not suggesting... me?" Treguard tried to look dignified but failed miserably. "Oh, come now Hordriss - I'm much too old..."

"I'm older than you and I live in there!" noted Hordriss. Treguard sighed. He was obviously beaten before he started to argue, and knew it. He would have to agree.

"Very well..."

Knightmare Forum and Tim Child | September 2003

DownloadInteractive Story (193.5kB)


by Emily Evans

Sidriss, for the interactive story, by Emily Evans.

Monster, for the Interactive Story, by Emily Evans.

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