Pool of dice

Puzzles and Games

A collection of Knightmare puzzles and games to keep you entertained

Here we present puzzles and games developed by the Knightmare community. Some things have particular software requirements in order to run while others (such as those based on particular images or text) should run in a variety of different applications and operating systems.

In This Section

Choose Your Own Adventure

Pile of choose your own adventure books

A selection of choose-your-own-adventure game books by Knightmare fans.

Games Factory Knightmare Games


Paul Boland's Knightmare-themed games made using Harvard Graphics 3.0 and Clickteam's The Games Factory from 1995-1998 are available for download.

Guess the Dungeoneer

Treguard holding helmet of justice

Some dungeoneer deaths have been altered. Can you identify them? A quiz by Steven Webberley.

Knightmare Catchphrase

Catchphrase TV logo, 1986

"Say what you see...": Try your hand at Knightmare Catchphrase

Knightmare Maze

Garden labyrinth

Pickle has lost his scroll. Can you navigate the maze to help him retrieve it? By Emily Evans.

Soulmate Quiz

Hordriss quizing the dungeooneer

Which Knightmare character is your soulmate? A multiple choice quiz by Emily Evans.

Spot the Difference

Magnifying glass with old vintage book and brazilian stamps. Photo by Koala on Unsplash.

Spot the 10 differences between two Knightmare 'mashups'.

The Jackal's Knightmare Game

Gaming computer in ambient light. Photo by bantersnaps on Unsplash.

Carl Thompson (aka The Jackal) has created a Knightmare game using the Games Factory game creation engine.