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The Quest 1.2: Knightmare Knews

By Keith McDonald

Latest news concerning the Knightmare cast, including a wedding for Elita (Stephanie Hesp).

Caption Competition

What could be puzzling the Jester?

The best caption will win a signed photo of Motley the Jester and a Knightmare goodie pack!

A 1992 character card of Motley (Paul Valentine).

Rayner "Skarkill" Bourton is currently coordinating Tendis, a fund to finance tennis for people with disabilities. With the help of The Lawn Tennis Association, The International Tennis Federation and The Westminster City Council they aim to raise £250,000. If you think that you can help then write to us at the Club.

Elita finds true love

You all know her as Elita the Cavern Elf but behind the foul mouth and the meddling mischief is actress Stephanie Hesp (pictured with new husband, actor Neil Wood) who looked quite angelic at her recent wedding. Congratulations Stephanie!

Producer gets a fright

Knightmare's producer may have to watch his step in future - he has a new team of programme makers hot on his trial. Debbie Hartley and her friends from Cardiff recently sent us a tape of their version of Knightmare and very good it was too. Unfortunately they are all too old to take part in Knightmare but judging from their performances they would lead Lord Fear a merry dance.

Glamorous Gwendoline plays a BOY?

Juliet Henry-Massy has been spotted playing Dick Whittington at the Gracie Fields Theatre in Rochdale over Christmas - let's hope that she doesn't run off to London to seek her fortune; how could we all survive without our Greenwarden?

(Psst...want to know a secret? Last time Juliet played in Panto she got nailed to the spot - literally! She caught her shoe on a nail in the stage floor whilst playing the Good fairy in "Jack and the Beanstalk" and could only break free by taking a bit of the floor with her! Don't tell her I told you will you? - Ed)

Did you know?

That Mark "Lord Fear" Knight once acted with a wooden leg - as a tap dancer - buried up to his neck in rubbish whilst using a pair of crutches? Strange but true!

A Plea from the Paunch

Michael "Brother Mace" Cule would like it more widely known that he wears a padded false tummy when playing his character; that's not all him ("Cule" means "thin" or "little" in Welsh - what sense of humour the Welsh have).

What do you get if you cross TQ's Editor with the Dungeon Master's assistant?

A Wright Pickle! (You can say that again....Assistant Ed.)

Artistic Andrea stuns us all

Andrea Barber's drawing of Skarkill and the goblins from Volume 1, Issue 2 of The Quest.

When avid Knightmare fan Andrea Barber sent us this picture we had to put it in TQ we were so impressed. Are there any more talented artists out there I wonder? Why not send us your drawings?

We will print as many as we can but unfortunately we can't return them as Smirkenorff likes to stick them on the walls of his stable - and you don't argue with Smirkenorff!

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