Filming of spyglass sequence in Knightmare geek week

Articles in Metro

By David Goldstein

The Metro newspaper was one of several to report on Knightmare's Geek Week return.

Metro, the popular freesheet that accompanies commuters advisor-like into dark tunnels and on hair-raising journeys to foreboding places, has reported online on the return of Knightmare for YouTube's Geek Week (4th-10th August 2013, for all you future historians.)

The first article, CGI dungeon kids' show Knightmare revived for YouTube Geek Week by Christopher Hooton on 24th July, specified the roles that Isy Suttie and Jessie Cave would have in the forthcoming new episode. It also referred mysteriously to 'various Treguard characters', which as it turns out was not all that far from the truth.

Jessie Cave as Theodora Snitch for the 2013 Geek Week episode of Knightmare.
Jessie Cave on the set for Knightmare's 2013 episode

That article was followed on 2nd August by The Knightmare begins again as YouTube launches its own Geek Week by Ross McGuinness. Although it didn't focus solely on Knightmare, it did give new dungeoneer Stuart Ashen the chance to enthuse about his involvement ("I thought, bloody hell, Knightmare, you don't turn that down") and to let slip an eight-legged spoiler ("You're literally standing there ... while people are telling you to sidestep to your left before a spider eats your legs.")

The article implied that Stuart, as a 36-year-old, had escaped 'the full onglaught of puberty's evils' (sic) that afflicted his younger Knightmare predecessors, some of whom also struggled with spelling. On the plus side, the article also carried a photo from the filming that confirmed the returns of Mark 'Lord Fear' Knight and Cliff 'Lissard' Barry. Thank you to Billy alerting us to this.

Lord Fear (Mark Knight) and Lissard (Cliff Barry) on the blue screen void during the 2013 Geek Week episode of Knightmare.
Lord Fear and Lissard reunite

More recently, on 5th August, Christopher Hooton resumed article duties with a list of his 9 best moments in the Knightmare remake. As well as perpetuating the myth that Isy Suttie uttered the f word (she has confirmed on Twitter that she didn't swear, but people won't hecking listen), there are a number of somewhat irreverent observations that don't quite reflect fan opinion. That said, you might be impressed by the author's apparent familiarity with lizard scrotums. If you haven't clicked through to the article yet, it does have the new episode embedded there, so you can happily hang around at the top of the page.

Reverent or not, we hope that the onglaught of Knightmare news will continue, and that Metro will continue to cover it.

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