Man signing contract

Terms and Conditions

Restrictions of use


This site is a Knightmare tribute fan site, with some official input from people such as Tim Child, the creator and producer of Knightmare, who wrote the History pages. It was created and is maintained by the team in their own spare time. It is otherwise unconnected to any of the organisations that were involved in producing or broadcasting Knightmare.

Imagery, Audio, and Video makes use of various forms of media on its website. Some of the media featured has been donated to the site from various contributors whereas some of the media is the property of the team. To protect the media featured on from being taken without permission, some of the media includes a watermark.

Some of the media used is captured from televised editions of Knightmare and related footage. It is our belief that complies with section 30 (1) of the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988, which states that "Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of criticism or review, of that or another work or of a performance of a work, does not infringe any copyright in the work provided that it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement."

In the unlikely event that any of the material here is causing offence, please contact us.

Original Material

The original material on this site remains under copyright of If you wish to reuse any of the material provided here, please contact us for details.

Submitted Material

By submitting material to us (either via the website or via email), you affirm that the material is original, that you own all rights to it and that it has not been published elsewhere. You also (unless explicitly stated) grant us a worldwide perpetual license to use that material without restriction.

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