Series 2, Winners. Knightmare's first ever winner, Mark, stands on the final arrow.

Series 2: Winners

By Keith McDonald

There were two winning teams in Series 2 - the first winners in Knightmare history.

Team 4: Mark, Daniel, Matthew and Jonathan from Witney

Mark Wickson and team were the first ever winners of Knightmare. Their quest was to free the Maid.

See Mark's progress so far.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 4. Mark collects the final quest piece on the penultimate platform.

Mark arrives at a platform surrounded by darkness. The final letter of the spell he needs is in the corner, so they collect it to complete FREE.

Life force is fading, so they proceed quickly to the exit - a guillotine that slices downwards. They time the leap with care.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 4. Mark is stood on an arrow at the end of the dungeon.

Mark stands on an arrow at the end of the dungeon.

Treguard: "Remember, Merlin said you may have a further spell... What do you think it must be?"

They spell-cast FREE. A cylindrical tower appears. The Maid's face forms above it.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 4. Mark frees the maid and becomes Knightmare's first winner.


Treguard: "Fantastic, you've done it, you've mastered the dungeon. Mark, you may remove the helmet. Spellcasting, HEROES."

They are awarded the Silver Spurs of Squiredom.

You are the first of our young adventurers ever to master the dungeon.


Knightmare Series 2 Team 4. The winners receive a Silver Spurs medal from Anglia Television.

The team cheers.

Treguard: "Others will no doubt follow, but that glory will always be yours.

"I salute you, we all salute you."

Team 10: Julian, Vaughan, Becca and Mary from Banbury

Julian Smith and team also completed the dungeon. Their quest was to retrieve the Talisman.

See Julian's progress so far.

The team has collected all the pieces but must now reach the end of the dungeon.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 10. Julian reaches the penultimate platform with a guillotine.

In the guillotine room, they collect a sprite of energy to restore life force. This allows them to time their leap with care.

Stood facing the night sky, the cylindrical tower appears.

Treguard: "You have all the pieces, and this is a place of magic. Come on team, spell-cast!"

Mary: "Spellcasting: TALISMAN"

Knightmare Series 2 Team 10. Julian unites the talisman and is Knightmare's second winner.


Treguard: "You've done it! You've mastered the dungeon. Well done indeed!"

He spell-casts HEROES.

Treguard: "Your names will go on our roll of honour."

Knightmare Series 2 Team 10. Treguard joins the undefeated team by spellcasting HEROES.

He presents them with an 'Anglia Television Silver Spurs 1988' medal.

Treguard: "Accept this symbol of squiredom, and accept also the salutes of Knightmare Castle. And remember, the only way is onwards. There is no turning back."

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