Series 2, Quest 1. Martin from Sunderland is almost tricked into Mildred's cauldron.

Series 2 Quest 1

By Keith McDonald

Team 1: Martin, Lee, Tony and John from Sunderland.

The first quest of Series 2 was for the Sword and lasted 9 minutes 40 seconds. (The shortest quest in Knightmare!)

Knightmare Series 2 Team 1. Martin, the dungeoneer.

Level 1

The series begins in a room with a view of stars in the distance. A rotating field forms in the centre, revealing multiple possible exits.

Treguard: "This is the Wheel of Fate. It could also be the Wheel of Fortune if you're quick enough."

Knightmare Series 2 Team 1. Martin begins his quest at the Wheel of Fortune.

Martin pulls the lever to determine his path. It's the standard four-door room from Series 1.

Folly the Jester runs in with a maid, Gretel. She shouts at Folly to leave her alone and runs off through one of the doors.

Folly: "Folly is my name and folly is my nature, foolishness my character and fun my alma mater."

Knightmare Series 2 Team 1. Martin meets Gretel and Folly.

The jester challenges Martin to 'chase the maid', so the team guides Martin through the same exit as she used.

It's a bomb room, which they exit quickly.

The Level 1 clue room is guarded by Olgarth (Score: 2). They earn a clue to the Level 1 password.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 1. Clues in the Level 1 clue room.

Martin takes a gauntlet and a key, leaving behind a jar of toads' legs.

Advisor: "You are on the edge of a ledge."

Gumboil is on guard at the ridge. They provide the password to proceed.

Mildread the Witch impersonates the advisors and almost guides Martin into a false wellway before Treguard intervenes.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 1. Mildread's tricks are foiled by Treguard.

With a swing of her cane, the wellway transform into a steaming cauldron.

Treguard: "Now you see how important it is to see what you're getting into..."

Mildread wants bats' wings, and is not impressed with the offer of a key. She sends Martin on his way...


...into a bomb room. Martin moves at speed but there would be no escape.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 1. Martin's quest ends at a bomb room.

Treguard: "Mildread has sent you into peril. The armourer's gauntlet could have saved you, but the secret of its use you never earned."

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