Knightmare Series 8. Treguard holds an hourglass as he debates whether to begin a final quest.

Series 8: Teams

By Keith McDonald

Series 8 featured 7 teams across 10 episodes, with one winning quest.

Knightmare Series 8 Team 1. Richard, the dungeoneer.
Team 1: Richard

Team 1: Richard, Angela, Rebecca and Rowena from Bracknell

Knightmare Series 8 Team 2. Daniel, the dungeoneer.
Team 2: Daniel

Team 2: Daniel, Benjamin, Gideon and Justin from London

Knightmare Series 8 Team 3. Nathan, the dungeoneer.
Team 3: Nathan

Team 3: Nathan, Karen, Stephen and Catherine from Southampton

Knightmare Series 8 Team 4. Michael, the dungeoneer.
Team 4: Michael

Team 4: Michael, Ben, Haydn and Ben from Bristol

Knightmare Series 8 Team 5. Rebecca, the dungeoneer.
Team 5: Rebecca

Team 5: Rebecca, Julie, Natalie and Emma from Dorchester / Weymouth

Knightmare Series 8 Team 6. Dunstan, the dungeoneer.
Team 6: Dunstan

Team 6: Dunstan, Alan, Oliver and Alex from St. Albans

Knightmare Series 8 Team 7. Oliver, the dungeoneer.
Team 7: Oliver

Team 7: Oliver, David, Matthew and Anthony from Leicestershire

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