Heggatty, the Witch. Played by Stephanie Hesp.

Heggatty, the Witch

By Keith McDonald

Heggatty was a tiny witch with a quirky giggle who liked to engage and trade with dungeoneers.

Heggatty (presumably named after Hecate) was a witch in the coven of the Grey Sisters.

She appears in Witch Haven and surrounding areas such as the Rocks of Bruin in Series 6.

Heggatty liked to trade for witch amber or other magical items, offering spells and magical assistance in return.

What ye got for 'Eggatty then, ey?


Heggatty the Witch, played by Stephanie Hesp in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

Flight or fancy?

In her first appearance, Heggatty enters on a broomstick. Like former witches in Knightmare, she struggles to control it.

Thankfully, her skills with levitation were steadier. She sends the dungeoneer up to a high door.

After this, she remains on solid ground, running in to pester dungeoneers and find out what they have.

In one case, she accepts a box with a Medusa Eye, which doesn't impact witches.

But she rejects a firestone from another team, which leaves the dungeoneer at the brutal hands of the Dreadnort.

Bet ye thought I'd to stone be turned, didn't ye?


Appointed messenger

At the end of the series, Greystagg summons Heggatty to inform her about the decision to reject Lord Fear's alliance.

She puts Heggatty in charge of telling the sisters about the contingency plan for the solstice.

It is the only spyglass sequence which does not feature the Opposition.

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