Treguard, Pickle, Hordriss, and Elita in the antechamber.

Series 6: Characters

By Keith McDonald

Series 6 saw some newcomers to the dungeon, including Hordriss's daughter and a coven of witches in Level 2.

Treguard, the Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master continued supporting teams in a changing and ever more dangerous dungeon environment.

Treguard the Dungeon Master, played by Hugo Myatt. As seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Treguard

Pickle, the Elf

A useful source of information, as ever, though Pickle still needs quietening by Treguard from time to time.

Pickle the Wood Elf, played in David Learner, as seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Pickle

Lord Fear

The Leader of the Opposition continues his assault on dungeoneers from a new chamber in Mount Fear.

Lord Fear, the Leader of the Opposition, as played by Mark Knight in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Lord Fear

Skarkill the Goblin Master

The loathsome Goblin Master struggles to control his hobgoblin and ends up limping for half the season.

Skarkill the Goblin Master, as played by Rayner Bourton in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

More about Skarkill

Hordriss the Confuser

Now a mage and seeing Lord Fear target his daughter, Hordriss slowly falls into alignment with the Powers that Be.

Hordriss the Confuser, played by Clifford Norgate, as seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992) - with daughter Sidriss (Iona Kennedy).

More about Hordriss

Sidriss (the Confused)

The ditzy daughter of Hordriss got up to magical mishaps and became a target for the Opposition.

Sidriss the Confused, played by Iona Kennedy. As seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Sidriss

Motley, the Jester

Replaced at the tavern by a new troubadour, Motley becomes a sidekick for Sidriss's experiments.

Motley the Jester, as played by Paul Valentine in Series 3 of Knightmare (1989).

More about Motley


The 'famous' Ridolfo is a musician and gossip who often suffers from his misdeeds with ladies.

Ridolfo the minstrel, played by Adrian Neil in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Ridolfo

Julius Scaramonger

Scaramonger suffers from the arrival of a rival trader and resorts to jobs from Lord Fear to make ends meet.

Julius Scaramonger, a merchant played by Rayner Bourton in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

More about Scaramonger

Ah Wok

A new Oriental trader with a strong accent provides competition for Scaramonger in the marketplace.

An inline image of the trader, Ah Wok (Mark Knight) in Series 6 of Knightmare.

More about Ah Wok

Smirkenorff the Dragon

The dragon is given a voice to converse with dungeoneers. It flies them to Level 2, usually for a fare.

Smirkneorff the Dragon, voiced by Clifford Norgate. As seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Smirkenorff

Sylvester Hands

The filthy Sly Hands could be stealthy on the attack and teams needed to be on their guard around him.

Sylvester Hands, the beggar, played by Paul Valentine. As seen in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

More about Sly Hands

Greystagg, Queen of the Grey Sisters

The Witch Queen is precise and eloquent. She could be tough to deal with, but she was deferential to Lord Fear.

Greystagg the Witch Queen, played by Iona Kennedy in Series 6 of Knightmare.

More about Greystagg

Heggatty, the Witch

This chirpy witch struggled to control her broomstick but liked to trade with dungeoneers.

Heggatty the Witch, played by Stephanie Hesp in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Heggatty

Captain Nemanor

The cursed captain of the Cloudwalker loathed Lord Fear and assisted dungeoneers in their plight against him.

Captain Nemanor, played by Adrian Neil in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about Captain Nemanor

Elita, the Cavern Elf

This rude and difficult cavern elf doesn’t suffer fools. Teams had to be savvy to gain her cooperation.

Elita the Cavern Elf, played by Stephanie Hesp in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

More about Elita


This new mechanical device was powered by magic and requested passwords. There was no escape.

The Dreadnort, a metal monster from Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

More about the Dreadnort

Series Credits

View the 1992 gallery for Series 6 cast photos.

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