Maldame, the Sorceress. Played by Iona Kennedy.


By Keith McDonald

Maldame was a sanctimonious sorceress who let nothing get in her way - not least Lord Fear.

Maldame was a sorceress who developed a fierce rivalry with Lord Fear in the final series.

I got where I am today by sheer ability!


Maldame, the 'Iron Maiden', was played by Iona Kennedy in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).

Maldame ruled the Mire World, which was disrupted by Lord Fear's new towers, Linghorm and Marblehead. She asks Lord Fear for access to Linghorm, but he turns her to stone.

In response, Maldame manipulates a dungeoneer to get into Linghorm and establishes a base of power. With Machiavellian intent, she soon sets eyes on Marblehead.

Lord Fear is so concerned by this, he sends his restored red dragon to destroy Linghorm and get rid of her altogether.


Maldame carried the rhetoric and demeanour of the recently deposed Margaret Thatcher.

She was full of sanctimonious remarks about "young people today" and expected dungeoneers to kneel before her.

We know she lives through the red dragon assault, as 'she that would be Queen' is referenced in the final quest.

Maldame proved to be a real survivor in an unforgiving environment.

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