Stuart Ashen with Jessie Cave, Theodora Snitch, Knightmare episode for YouTube Geek Week 2013

Theodora Snitch

By Keith McDonald

A Dickens-inspired ragamuffin and thief with a quick mouth in the lower levels of the Geek Week dungeon.

The aptly named Theodora Snitch is an opportunistic urchin found in the second level of the Geek Week dungeon.

She scuttles around the former Corridor of the Catacombs before spotting an opportunity with a blindfolded dungeoneer.

Theodora Snitch (Jessie Cave) makes a proposition to dungeoneer Stuart Ashen in the Geek Week episode of Knightmare (2013).

Treguard's assistant, Veruca, quickly points out Theodora's quick-fingered habits. She also warns the team not to give out any real names, as Snitch might sell the information.

Theodora is banished from Clue Rooms by magic so she cannot pilfer them. This is where she needs dungeoneers' help and where bargains can be struck.

I could steal your blind, except of course it's beneath my professional pride to bother.


Artful dodging

The character seems to derive in part from Dickensian times.

Actress Jessie Cave sees Theodora as 'a long distant cousin of Nancy from Oliver' - a woman who nurtures the pickpocket community.

In the dungeon, Snitch comes across as a cross between Fidjit and Elita - insolent and quick-witted but also potentially a nuisance to the Opposition.

Snitch refers to Lord Fear as 'skull features' who stashes things out of her reach. It would make an interesting dynamic for a future series.

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