The Level 1 variant of a fireball challenge in Series 8 (1994).

Fireball Chamber

By Keith McDonald

A hazardous puzzle that appeared throughout the dungeon in Series 8.

In this puzzle, fireballs are shot down from above, removing panels from the floor and making the room treacherous to cross.

The puzzle features in Level 1 and deep in Level 3. A version in Marblehead with green flooring has additional fireball ducts in the walls, providing a further hazard.

A Fireball Room in Level 1 from Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
The Fireball Chamber in Level 1

The puzzle combines the difficulties of two former rooms: the Lion's Head (Series 2) and the Block and Tackle (Series 4), where parts of the floor disappear unexpectedly and at speed.

Guiding the dungeoneer quickly in a straight line would normally be enough to defeat the sequence.

A Fireball Room in Level 3 from Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
The Fireball Chamber in Marblehead, Level 3

One team faces the added difficulty of collecting food that is placed perilously close to where one of the fireballs will land.

Another team encounters a locked door, which they are advised to open before attempting to cross.

This whole chamber is one huge trap.


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