The Spindizzy from Series 3 of Knightmare.


By Keith McDonald

The opening for Level 2 in the third series was a rotating platform among a scene of stars. Teams had to time their leap to one of five exits.

The Spindizzy was a large circular rotating platform. It was set in an astral scene lit by a moon and stars.

Dungeoneers who reached Level 2 in the third series usually arrived here.

Five arches are set down from the Spindizzy, floating in the ether. To aid the illusion, viewers can see behind the furthermost left and right exits.

Teams must guide the dungeoneer to the edge of the disc and time the dungeoneer's leap to land in one of the doorways.

Sometimes the correct route is highlighted by a symbol above the door. Where there was no clue, most opted for the centre door or the next to the right, as it was easier to judge.

Treguard warns that missing all the doorways leads to death.

Only one team mistimes their leap and the dungeoneer takes the wrong door. They miss out on a clue that eventually leads to their demise.

How this strange device works, I cannot say, but its purpose is clearly to confuse and frustrate.


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