Series 1 Quest 5. Helen is watched by a suspicious Giant as she enters his lair.

Giant / Troll Cave

By Keith McDonald

A giant and a troll both occupied a large chasm, with a narrow ledge at the side for dungeoneers to pass.

Several teams in the early seasons of Knightmare faced an encounter with a giant (Series 1) or a troll (Series 2).

The room was a large chasm with a narrow ledge for a dungeoneer to pass.

The Giant's Cave, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).
The Giant's Cave in Series

A similar variant of the room was created for the troll, with a cliff ledge on the right-hand side.

Teams usually escaped from these chambers without too much difficulty.

However, the thin ledge does provide a challenge for one dungeoneer who must turn invisible to escape the troll.

The Troll, as played by Guy Standeven in Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).
The Troll Cave in Series 2

Other uses

Each cave is used in other ways when not occupied by its huge inhabitant.

The giant's cave is also shown with worms or maggots (and dubbed the 'Vale of Worms').

The troll's cave is almost the site of an accident for Mildread, who is struggling with her broomstick. The team in quest helps her to land safely on the ledge.

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Series 2, Quest 13. Karen is hindered by a broken bridge at the Vale of Mogdred.

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Bumptious, the Dwarf

Bumptious, the mining dwarf. Played by Tom Karol.

Bumptious the dwarf was found in the mines in Level 2. He was fond of his rule book, and often held an enquiry into how a dungeoneer entered the mines.

Skeleton Room

The Skeleton Room was often used at the entrance to Level 3. This variation is from Series 1 of Knightmare.

This room was a dark and sinister introduction to the third level during the early seasons of Knightmare.

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