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The Quest 1.1: Introduction

By Keith McDonald

Introduction to the very first issue of The Quest, the Official Knightmare Adventurers Club Newsletter.

Full promotional shot of Treguard (Hugo Myatt), set against castle background.

This Collectors' Item edition of TQ is our way of welcoming you to the Knightmare Adventurers Club! With this newsletter you'll have received your Club membership card - hang on to it with your life - and various Knightmare goodies with our compliments.

The new series of Knightmare is our biggest and most adventurous yet and the pace doesn't slacken for a moment. There are new friends to greet you in the electronic catacombs of Knightmare Castle - and a dastardly array of new adversaries.

More disturbingly there are just a few lurking folk who could be friends, but who could just as easily send you on a wild goose chase. It's up to you to decide...

Your TQ

In this first issue you'll find that page 2 is devoted to Knightmare Knews - your opportunity to tell us what you think about Knightmare.

After all, it's your loyal support that has turned Knightmare into one of Children's ITV's most successful programmes ever and ensured that as many as five million of you tune in to the programme every week.

So, tell us what you really think, if there are any questions you'd like answered about the way the programme works, if you want a pen pal, or if you'd just like to air your views.


Also in this issue of TQ there's a double-page spread by Mark Wells devoted to Smirkenorff. The Year of the Dragon looks beneath the seemingly friendly scales of one of the dungeoneer's trusted allies to come up with some surprising details of how he actually works.

It's just the first of TQ's in-depth looks at how on earth the programme is put together, and which will include behind-the-scenes glimpses for club members only!

RPG by Cule

On page 6 Michael "Brother Mace" Cule describes the goings-on of adventure gaming for our editor Wilf Wright (who doesn't understand these things). Worlds on a Tabletop is an idiot's guide to role-playing games as explained by one of its most enthusiastic exponents. (Who are you calling an idiot? - Ed.)

Finally our thanks to the World Wide Fund for Nature for giving us WWF Species in Danger stickers for insertion in this first issue of TQ.

Children's ITV 1992: Glenn Kinsey in the studio.

We're delighted to welcome Glenn Kinsey as the very first Honorary Member of the Knightmare Adventurers Club. Glenn was the host of Summer Mornings on Children's ITV and is a devoted Knightmare fan. Greetings, Glenn!

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