Series 5, Quest 7. Julius Scaramonger sells Christopher a spell.

Series 5: Teams

By Keith McDonald

Series 5 featured 9 teams across 16 episodes, with one winning quest.

Knightmare Series 5 Team 1. Kathryn, the dungeoneer.
Team 1: Kathryn

Team 1: Kathryn, Raelene, Fay and Alison from Liphook

Knightmare Series 5 Team 2. Richard, the dungeoneer.
Team 2: Richard

Team 2: Richard, Darren, Daniel and James from Gillingham

Knightmare Series 5 Team 3. Sarah, the dungeoneer.
Team 3: Sarah

Team 3: Sarah, Keeley, Helen and William from Northampton

Knightmare Series 5 Team 4. Ben, the dungeoneer.
Team 4: Ben

Team 4: Ben, John, Ray and Jonathan from Exeter

Knightmare Series 5 Team 5. Jenna, the dungeoneer.
Team 5: Jenna

Team 5: Jenna, Andrea, Kelly and Anna from Exeter

Knightmare Series 5 Team 6. Alex, the dungeoneer.
Team 6: Alex

Team 6: Alex, Ian, Grant and Richard from Amersham, Buckinghamshire

Knightmare Series 5 Team 7. Christopher, the dungeoneer.
Team 7: Christopher

Team 7: Christopher, Paul, Keith and Ciarán from London

Knightmare Series 5 Team 8. Duncan, the dungeoneer.
Team 8: Duncan

Team 8: Duncan, Ian, Deborah and Richard from Windsor

Knightmare Series 5 Team 9. Kelly, the dungeoneer.
Team 9: Kelly

Team 9: Kelly, Keeley, Taryn and Rachael from Rochdale

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The Gatekeeper

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