Dungeoneer Halloween costume 2001 or 2003


Several contestants and applicants have written to us to tell us about their experiences of the show

The process of applying to be on Knightmare was a long one, requiring an initial application process, interviews, shortlisting, and finally coming to the studio to film. Filming could easily take several (three or four) days during which teams would have to wait long stretches of time (45+ minutes) between filming each room.

In This Section

Barry Thorne and Team (1993)

Series 7, end of series. Barry (team 7) finds two cubes containing the Shield and a troll hammer.

Three members of the famous final team of Series 7 have written to us about their experience.

Mark Wickson (1988)

Mark Wickson, dungeoneer of Knightmare's first winning team in Series 2 (1988).

Mark Wickson, Knightmare's first winning dungeoneer, describes his filming experience.

Nicholas Lam (1993)

Brown Wooden Armchair on Brown Wooden Floor, by Marcelo Jaboo for Pexels.

Knightmare.com founder, Nicholas Lam, was the first in the country to audition for Season 7 in 1993 at Anglia's London offices.

Paul Boland (1993)

Knightmare being filmed

Paul was captain of the first Irish team to audition successfully for Knightmare in 1992. Unfortunately, they didn't make it to filming, but they were twice invited back as guests.

Ray Lockton (1991)

Ray Lockton, captain of the winning team in Series 5 (1991).

The captain of the Series 5 winners shares a gallery of the team's Knightmare journey, from the audition to the tour of the Anglia set.

Richard Howse and Team (1994)

Series 8, Quest 1. Dungeoneer, Richard Howse.

Three members from the first team of Series 8 describe their Knightmare audition and the experience of filming the show.