Brown Wooden Armchair on Brown Wooden Floor, by Marcelo Jaboo for Pexels.

Nicholas Lam (1993)

By Nicholas Lam founder, Nicholas Lam, was the first in the country to audition for Season 7 in 1993 at Anglia's London offices.

Our Series 7 audition was on Tuesday 9 April 1993 at 9.30am, which we thought went quite well. We even got a morning off school to be there!

The audition lasted approximately 15 minutes and consisted of a role-playing game directed by the creator of Knightmare, Tim Child, followed by an opportunity to ask questions.

We didn't find the role-play very difficult and our teamwork was reasonable.

The Knightmare audition venue for Nicholas Lam, Anglia's London offices.
Nic auditioned in Anglia's London offices

With the next team waiting outside, we were told not to say anything to them on our way out.

A week later, all teams would receive a letter informing them of the outcome. We were not invited to take part, but it was an interesting experience.

When the series started, we realised that the team waiting to audition after us had made it onto the show!

We were pleased to have been auditioned and to have met the producer.

A year later, we knew that it was going to be even more difficult as Series 8 would have only 10 episodes. Only 120 teams would be auditioned with just 15 shortlisted.

Luckily, we were again invited to audition on Friday 8 April 1994 at 9.00am. Two of our team members were different, but Tim recognised one of us (not me) and made sure we didn't get the same role-play game.

We didn't make it this time either.

About the auditions

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