Front cover of

Book 7 - Lord Fear's Domain

By Nicholas Lam

"Unravel my riddles by sunrise - or remain in my world for all eternity..." Details of the seventh Knightmare book, Lord Fear's Domain.

It is Halloween - when the boundaries between our world and the world of magic are stretched thinly. Tricky Sylvester Hands lures two youngsters through a gateway to the sorcerous world of Knightmare.

From mind-boggling mazes to cunning crosswords, rhyming riddles and perplexing puzzles, the two adventurers now need your help as they face the ultimate test - the monstrous puzzles and sorcery of ITV's award-winning game series, Knightmare.

Pursued by the minions of the dreaded Lord Fear, can the two successfully meet the challenge? Can you?

Cover of book 7: Lord Fear's Domain

The story

Paul and Lucy have are in quarantine after an illness, and are left alone by their parents on Halloween. They are soon gatecrashed by Sylvester Hands, who leads them into the realm of Knightmare to avoid the witches of Birnan Wood. Once across the realm, Lord Fear gives them a time limit to escape.

Unravel my riddles by sunrise, or remain in my world for all eternity.

Lord Fear

With your help, the two youngsters must try and make their escape. By solving the riddles, the characters will provide clues about the way home. But the challenges are not over. There's Lord Fear waiting for them, and the witches too. And what will their parents say? Will they even notice at all?

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