The troll. Played by Guy Standeven.

The Troll

By Keith McDonald

The troll occupied a ledge in Level 1 and hoped to feast on passing dungeoneers.

The troll occupied a pit by the cliff edge. Like the giant in the previous season, he conversed with the team and was a mild threat to dungeoneers.

Players would have to persuade him not to eat them or use magic to evade him.

One team uses a LITTLE spell to diminish him. Another uses an amulet of invisibility. On the one occasion neither work, the team in quest must rely on a swarm of bees to come to their aid.

Knightmare Series 2 Team 12. The troll looks amazed as Steven disappears.

The troll is not particularly smart, but it does possess magic. He gives one team a TRUTH spell after the dungeoneer persuades him that he is not good to eat.

It is rumoured that this team restarts their quest to earn this spell from the troll after failing to score at the clue room.

Stone trolls

In Series 7, stone trolls are introduced as non-speaking characters. Rather than interacting with their faces, dungeoneers are threatened by their feet or their swinging club.

A troll would often sit in the rift valley at the threshold to Level 2 and awaken as the team prepared to leave. Treguard describes their moment as 'like rocks cracking'.

Knightmare Series 7 Team 3. Alex strides towards the cave entrance as a troll raises its axe.

The stone trolls are a genuine threat. They are responsible for the deaths of two of the seven dungeoneers in this series.

The King of the Trolls was called Bulstrode. Lord Fear attempted to end the game by sending it to attack Knightmare Castle in the end of season finale.

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Treguard, the Dungeon Master

Treguard the Dungeon Master, in Series 1 (1987). Played by Hugo Myatt.

Treguard the Dungeon Master was the host of Knightmare. He presided over the gameplay from an antechamber in Knightmare Castle.


The Level 1 Wellway Room was used for the first three series of Knightmare.

Wellway rooms allowed dungeoneers to descend to the second and third levels in the early series of Knightmare.

Series 2 Quest 10

Series 2, Quest 10. Julian must pass a wall of flames to survive.

Team 10: Julian, Vaughan, Becca and Mary from Banbury.

See Also