The eyeshield

The Eyeshield - Issues 60 to 70

By Jake Collins

Jake Collins presents issues 60-70 of Knightmare fanzine The Eyeshield, first published in June 1996 by Paul McIntosh.

DownloadIssue 60 - November 2009 (593.74kB)

DownloadIssue 61 - January 2010 (472.41kB)

DownloadIssue 62 - March 2010 (571.44kB)

DownloadIssue 63 - May 2010 (767.65kB)

DownloadIssue 64 - July 2010 (766.98kB)

DownloadIssue 65 - September 2010 (831.6kB)

DownloadIssue 66 - November 2010 (535.89kB)

DownloadIssue 67 - January 2011 (434.92kB)

DownloadIssue 68 - March 2011 (475.43kB)

DownloadIssue 69 - May 2011 (376.09kB)

DownloadIssue 70 - July 2011 (250.25kB)

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